T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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"So, it's been a few days. How do you feel?"

"I'm fine."

"I thought we were past the lying to your therapist stage."

"I'm not lying. I'm strangely fine. Other than the occasional ache from a stab wound that should have killed me but is no longer there or the constant calls from my family—"

"Who you made leave."

"Yeah because I'm fine."

"You haven't spoken to your cousin yet."

"Why should I? She's got her own birdbrain problems to deal with, and, like always, I'm not the only one avoiding the screaming match that's bound to happen."

"I heard she apologized."

"When I was dying. Not much of an apology, if you ask me."

"What does your mother think?"

"Mom thinks Hope is too much like her father. Which she is because I can think of a number of times Klaus did the same thing to my mom and never actually apologized until it was convenient for him. And I may be like my mom, right, but I've also got some of my dad in me. It'll take more than a deathbed confession to make me forgive all the shit she put me through."

"That's understandable and valid."

"I know."

"Then why is your heart beating so fast?"

"It's not."

"Stella, you've been through a very traumatic experience. I'm not forcing you to tell me anything. You're in a safe space, I swear."

"Yeah, but can you keep it safe, Vanessa, because I seem to remember Fenrir kicking your ass."

"He did."

"And Isaac's."


"And mine, I guess."

"You know, Lahey said he'd give me some pointers later today after he deals with everything Saltzman left. You could join if you'd like."

"I, um, I have plans with Jo."

"Are things between you two going alright?"

"Yeah, it's great, I guess."

"You guess?"

"I mean, her father is lying practically dead in a coma, and here I am. The reason he finally decided to do something nice. And Josie keeps saying she doesn't blame me, but...I know that I would blame her if my dad did what he did."

"Do you blame yourself?"

"No, he made his own stupid decision. I didn't ask him to sacrifice himself for me."

"Then why should Josie?"

"I...I'm supposed to meet her for breakfast, I should go."

"Before you do, I want you to do something for me."

"Great, now you're giving me homework?"

"I want you to write a list for everything you are not responsible for."

"It's a big list."

"I think you'll find it harder than you think at first. Just...try it."

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