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Getting back to the Salvatore School, Josie's mind is clear. She knows what she has to do, and she knows who she has to do it with. After the complete mess of the past few weeks, knowing brings a calmness to her heart that had disappeared a long time ago.

"You want us to do what?" Hope asks as she exchanges a look with Lizzie. They both sit on the blonde's bed while Josie organizes her candle collection on her own. "I don't understand."

"I've been having these dreams," Josie explains, her gaze on the candles. "I can never seem to remember them when I wake up, but I get these flashes. Like memories, but also not. It's hard to explain, but the point is, I'm pretty sure they're about Stella. If you two can hijack my dreams, maybe we can find her."

Hope clenches her jaw and glands away as Lizzie holds out her hand. "You want us to root around in your head while you sleep?"

"For the greater good."

"Josie, she doesn't want to be found," Hope says.

Pushing down the rising anger, Josie straightens up and sighs. "Do you actually believe that?"

Hope's gaze softens considerably. "I don't really want to spy on my cousin. It's her decision."

"You and I both know she only left because she thinks it's protecting us." Josie quirks a brow as she crosses her arms. "She didn't leave because she actually wanted to. I can't do this alone. I need your help. So," She sits down on her bed, offering both witches their own candle. "please?"

Lizzie lets out a low growl as she takes the offering. "Fine, but if we end up in a sex dream, I'm out."

"I don't think that's what I'm dreaming about."

"Yeah, well it wouldn't be the first time."

Josie's cheeks heat as she avoids Hope's gaze while the older girl sighs. "I don't think this is a good idea."

Pursing her lips, Josie leans forward. "I just want all of this to be over. It can't be over if it hasn't even begun. You would do it for Landon, wouldn't you?"

Hope winces as she looks down at her idle hands. "I just..."

"Just what?"

"Nothing." With a deep inhale, Hope takes the candle and offers a tight smile. "Let's do this."

The words are music to Josie's ears. It's absolutely perfect—even if her father gets mad, he'll have to punish his favorite teacher along with his daughters. Besides, they all know how he views Stella, and no one cares. Josie will get her back, even if it is just the bond, but she knows it's not.

The spell is easy enough to set up, though it is quite awkward for Josie who sits in the center of the small circle of candles, watching her friends do all the work while she does nothing. Sometimes, she misses the magic, but she knows it's for the best. At least, the best for now—maybe not when the gods come back for them.

"Ok, now it says to lie down and fall asleep," Hope reads from the spell Josie had found in her Aunt Bonnie's collection of grimoires. "We'll do our part if you can do yours."

"Does it have to be natural?" Josie asks with a wince. "Like, you can't just make me sleep?"

"We can try." Lizzie shrugs. "Ad somnum."

When Josie flicks her eyes open once more, she finds herself in a cozy cafe. She looks around with a frown at the warm space, a light brown wood on the ground and bright lights shining in from the window. A small band plays on the podium as people drink and eat and work all around the building.

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now