T W E N T Y - N I N E

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Once again, it seems no one had listened to him. When Isaac walks back into the gym, he finds the same four culprits from before with the addition of Jed in the gym preparing a spell despite his specific instructions to leave the banshee alone. "What is going on here?" Isaac demands just as Landon races out of the room, his eyes ablaze. "I told you to leave it alone."

Jed spins around, his expression falling at Isaac's disappointment. "Mr. Lahey, I had this idea—"

"Jed, please. It's Isaac."

"Well, I had this idea to link us so that she can talk through me without screaming," he says with a small gulp. "It's gonna work."

"I don't doubt that, but I said I had this under control." He glances around as Hope and Cleo join them from the bleachers. "What part of 'I'll handle this' did you not understand?"

"Isaac, please," Jed says. "Let me try this."

"I know you're trying to prove yourself, but this is way too dangerous," Isaac snaps. "Stop it before you start."

"Can't do that, Isaac," Hope replies as she crosses her arms. "We need her to talk."

"Yes, and I have a way to do that."

Hope shakes her head. "Is it guaranteed to work?"

He pauses.

"We're doing this."

"I found it!" Landon exclaims as he rushes back into the room. Isaac's glare only hardens as he holds up a small leaf. "Blue Calamus. Josie told me it's basically a truth weed. If we give it to Jed, the banshee can't lie to us."

"Well done, team library," Alaric says. "There's not much time till the full moon. When Jed turns, we don't want a monster in his head."

Isaac scoffs as Jed chews on the leaf. "Can we take a minute, please? I have a better way—"

"Now, we just need something of her's," Landon says without regard for Isaac.

Letting out a frustrated growl, Isaac throws his hands up in the air and steps away from the group to send a quick hurry-up text. By the time he turns back, Hope is already muttering the spell as she wraps the banshee's necklace around Jed's hand.

Jed's head jerks around the same way the banshee's does as the lights flicker overhead. Isaac takes a tentative step forward as Jed's eyes pop open to reveal the same dull bronze as the banshee. "Ah, clever girl." There is a strange echo to his words. "Trapping me in a body that cannot scream."

"Or lie," Hope replies. "Now, we can have a civilized conversation."

"Are you sure you want to hear what I have to say?"

Alaric shifts his stance as Isaac glances between his students and the monster. "Why are you here?" Alaric asks.

"Malivore promised me freedom from the darkness in exchange for bringing him that girl." Jed points to Cleo who nervously shuffles closer to Isaac.

"Why does he want her?"

Jed chuckles. "You are forcing me to tell the truth, but that does not mean I have to answer." From what Isaac can see, Hope's gaze drifts away from Jed. "But that is not the question that troubles you. Go on, little girl. Ask what you really wish to know."

Quick, loud footsteps echo from the hallway, halting Hope's actions and stopping her from opening her mouth. Isaac sniffs the air and shakes his head at the familiar scent as two people rush into the gym.

"Come on, how do you know they're even here? This is a huge school."

"Because I know, ok?" The woman screeches to a stop in the threshold of the gym, her green eyes widening at the banshee as her lips part.

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now