T H I R T Y - F O U R

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The plan is very simple. So simple, the four supernaturals should be able to do it easily barring complications. Though Vanessa would object to such dangers for the kids, she knows that neither Aaron nor Josie will stay out of the fight, especially with Stella involved.

Aaron's resolve surprises her though. From what Stella told her, Aaron had been hellbent on pushing her away and separating Stella from Josie, yet the boy almost seems as passionate as Josie. Something changed in him, though Vanessa does not ask. It is not her place to ask.

Even as she sits at the table in her hotel room surrounded by Aaron and Isaac, she remains quiet as she watches them. Aaron does his schoolwork though his leg constantly bounces beneath the table and Isaac stares out the window as he paces the length of the room. The wolf had already gone on several runs throughout the day as they wait for Josie to return with weapons.

When Josie finally returns, she drops a bag of weapons on the table, startling everyone. Vanessa hadn't opened the door for her, so how had she come in?

"Portal," she says as an explanation with a small shrug. "Didn't want anyone following me. This is what I've got."

Isaac joins them at the table as Vanessa and Aaron stand to look into the bag. The first thing she sees are vervain grenades which don't surprise her coupled with various knives. "I still don't get why we need these if we have these," Isaac says as he holds up his claws.

"It's just in case," Aaron replies as he takes out a long knife and twirls it in his palm appreciatively. "To protect ourselves if there's a no-magic barrier wherever she is. Plus, the minute they feel Josie do the spell, they'll know we're coming. There's no way we can surprise them, so I'd feel better knowing I can just..." He thrusts the knife forward. "You know?"

"Great," Josie grits out. She crosses her arms and rolls her neck. "Can we get to the part where we go and find her? The magic is getting a bit difficult to control." As if on cue, one of the room's windows blasts open, wind swirling around them playfully.

"Are you sure—"

Josie narrows her eyes at Isaac. "Yes. Let's go."

Truly, it is a simple plan, in theory. They get in Vanessa's car, give Josie time to physically find Stella through their bond, and infiltrate the gods' layer. Josie and Isaac will distract the gods, and Aaron and Vanessa will find Stella.

In theory.

As they step out of Vanessa's room, she fumbles for her keys. As they near her car, they find a familiar cat lounging on the hood. "Arthur?" Josie mutters as she rushes forward to pick up the cat who purrs happily and claws his way to her shoulders. "What are you doing here?"

Vanessa narrows her eyes as the cat leaps to the ground and walks a few steps away before turning back to them, his yellow eyes gleaming in the sunlight. He meows loudly before repeating the action—taking a few steps and looking back.

"New plan," Vanessa says. "Follow the cat."

"Why would we do that?" Isaac scoffs.

"It's Stella's cat, Lahey," Vanessa replies, arching a brow. "Looks like he wants us to follow him. Again."

"But he didn't lead us anywhere last time," Josie says. "Why follow him now?"

Vanessa shrugs. "I don't know. Just a feeling."

Isaac shakes his head. "Josie, do the spell. Leave the cat alone."

The cat hisses as he walks back over to them before curling around Josie's leg and crawling back up to her shoulders, despite her small yelp of surprise. It settles quickly and directs its cold, calculating stare towards Isaac who glares at it.

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now