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As Hope paints alone in her room, the sounds of cheering and clapping grate her ears. All she wants is quiet, and she can't even get that. With a flick of her wrist, she closes the door as applause erupts once again from the crowd watching Landon's musical. She shakes her head and sighs before going back to her painting that she can't help but wonder how to finish; she had to force herself to start and continue—none of it feels right.


Hope almost drops her paintbrush in surprise as she spins around to look at her bed; Stella Hale sits there with her face scrunched up and worried eyes darting around the room. "Stella," Hope breathes out as she puts the easel down. "I didn't think you were supposed to be here."

"I know." Stella shrugs, pulling her legs up to her chest. "I'm astral projecting. I assumed you'd be up here boycotting the show."

Hope scoffs. "Why wouldn't I? I asked him not to include our family, and he did it anyway."

Pursing her lips, Stella stands and walks around the room as her gaze softens. "I'm sure he had good intentions," she replies. "Birdbrain has always been stupid, though. Do you know if he included the song in the final cut?"

"He wouldn't have had time to change it." She picks up her easel and continues painting the canvas. "So, what's up with you?"

"Me? Not much. Same old, you know?"

When Stella's back faces her, Hope can't help but think back to that spell. Stella had seemed so broken, and Hope couldn't do anything because it was all just Josie's dream—she wasn't actually there, and she couldn't comfort her cousin at her lowest.

"What about you?" Stella looks back at her. "What are you painting?"

Forcing a smile on her lips, Hope asks, "Why don't you tell me why you're really here? We both know you aren't here to check on me. We talked yesterday, and Isaac told me you spoke this morning before class."

"Well," Stella clasps her hands together in front of her as she bites the inside of her cheek. "I was hoping to ask you for a small favor. You can totally say no because I honestly think it was a mistake on my part but I can't change it now so—"

"What did you do?" Hope crosses her arms and steps towards her.

"I may or may not have sent Josie some break-a-leg flowers." Hope lets her arms drop as Stella rushes to explain, panic and embarrassment clear in her blush. "I-I just...Last semester, she looked so happy on stage after the slugs, and I know she must have been looking forward to playing Elena in Landon's musical, and I know that even though we're mad and rightfully so, she deserves the best, you know?" Stella scratches the back of her neck. "It was wrong, wasn't it?"

"Did you say they were from you?" Hope asks with an arched brow.

Stella winces. "No. There isn't even a note. I just sent her a bunch of Forget-Me-Nots." She shifts her weight, darting her gaze away from Hope's. "It was stupid, I guess."

"No, it's not." Hope lets out a laugh. She stops herself from reaching out, knowing her hand will just go through Stella. "I think she'd appreciate them."

"Can you just make sure she gets them?"

"Of course. Maybe after the show?"

Stella nods. "Look, I know you're upset about the show, but...wait, did you say yes?"

Hope lets out a laugh as she bites her lip. "Anything for my favorite girl cousin."

"I'm your only girl cousin," Stella says, rolling her eyes. A small smile plays on her lips, only making Hope that much happier. "Thank you."

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now