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When Stella wakes up, her whole body aches. She can hear the Necromancer laughing and mocking someone as she rolls onto her back, shielding her eyes from the sun.

"Bring dragons back all you want."

Hope's voice brings a smile to her face.

"They're always gonna have a soft spot."

Picking her head up, Stella sees the Necromancer and Hope facing off just in front of a pile of ashes she suspects are Landon's remains. As she pushes herself to her feet, fire ripples around her arms before solidifying in her grasp; luckily, she ended up behind the Necromancer. He'll never see her coming.

"As I've always had one for you," The Necromancer coos.

"Save your breath," Hope snaps. "You'll be dead before they get here."

"I don't even breathe, for I am the Herald of Hades, the Grimmest of Reapers. I am death incarnate! You can't kill me!"

"Actually," Stella says with a large grin. "I think I can make your life a living hell."

The Necromancer spins on his heel as Stella wraps her fire whips around his wrists, pinning him to his knees on the ground just as Hope swipes her knife across his neck, severing his head from his body.

As Stella steps around the Necromancer's body, she presses her lips together. "What do you think, cousin?" She muses, facing a stunned Hope. "Let's make a bet: I bet I can think of worse places to store that head of his."

"Stella." She breathes out, launching herself at Stella. The younger witch laughs in her cousin's grasp. "I thought—"

"Can I join the hug?"

Both turn to see Landon standing behind them, his signature smile on his lips. Stella takes a moment to look at him as she realizes Malivore's power no longer feels as close.

"You were right, by the way. I don't need a weapon if I have you."

"Landon?" Hope asks, her voice breaking.

"In the flesh, somehow." He glances at Stella with a questioning glance.

She holds her hands up as Hope takes a step towards her boyfriend. "Prove it."

Stella lets out a noise of disgust as the two kiss. She averts her eyes to see the Necromancer's body walking around aimlessly; holding out a hand, she lets fire wrap around him, creating large chains to keep him from moving out of the field.

"How is this happening?" She hears Hope ask.

"I have no idea—"

"Oh, that's me." Stella sheepishly turns around to face the couple, wringing her fingers together as she purses her lips. "I had to get all the monsters away in one big move, so I figured out this plan."

"The flash of light," Hope realizes. "We're in a prison world."

Stella nods. "Any spell linked to his original one was sent here."

"I consecrated the school and this field," The Necromancer sneers. They all turn to him, Stella crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes. "Used black magic to tether them to Malivore. To summon him. It was all working so perfectly."

"Well, thank you, Stella, for the extra life," Landon says. "And, it's good to see you as you, you know."

"Aw, are you giving me a compliment, birdbrain?" Stella asks, pouting her lips dramatically. "Good to see you alive and not, you know. Dead."

"I should never have trusted that blasted witch!"

Landon frowns as he looks around. Hope sighs and says, "Alyssa Chang."

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now