T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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As Aaron looks down at the map spread in front of him, he watches the line of blood move through the schematic of the school. "Well, it's here," he says, glancing up at Lizzie and Hope.

"Then you were right," Lizzie sighs, letting her gaze fall on Hope. "You can use gremlin goo to cast a locator spell. All the more reason to moisturize."

Hope sighs. "It's on the move. Get ready."

Aaron stays back as the girls flank the entrance to the gym. For the first time since Stella Hale has returned to the school, it feels right, like he is truly meant to be participating and helping the Super Squad. He doesn't need his new sword or his godly father; he just needs to be himself.

What doesn't help is Landon fiddling with a ball behind them. "I don't mean to interrupt this awesome teamwork on display, but where do you need me exactly?"

"Anywhere," Aaron replies, rolling his eyes. "Just stay where you are."

"If you really wanted to help, you could slather yourself in honey," Lizzie suggests with a grin.

Hope sends her a glare.

"Um, it doesn't matter. It's not coming."

"What do you mean?" Hope asks as they once again crowd around the map. Aaron narrows his eyes as the gremlin blood moves across the page. "He's right. It's headed off-campus."

"Oh, great. You screwed up the spell," Lizzie says.

"The spell worked just fine," Hope snaps. "Your attitude, on the other hand—"

"Stop!" Aaron holds out his hands. "This thing feeds off disrespect, remember?"

"Well, maybe it ate so much, it's full," Lizzie replies, backing off from Hope.

Aaron frowns when he catches the look in Hope's eye. "Or Malivore's not after Landon," she says, subconsciously rubbing her thumb against her palm. "Maybe Stella was right."

"Then who is he after?" Aaron asks.

The doors to the gym slam open as Kaleb rushes in, his expression grim. "The gremlin—the gremlin took Cleo."

The group quickly makes their way to Dr. Saltzman's office to gather supplies, but Aaron and Landon break away to grab Excalibur. The boy asks too many questions for Aaron's liking, but he can admire a curious person, especially one recently revived from the dead.

Aaron doesn't say a word, and eventually, Landon catches on, shutting up of his own accord. In fact, the pair is so quiet, they hear Kaleb speaking as they walk up to the office: "You mean Landon. You miss the part where I suck at protecting people?"

"Kaleb's right," Landon says as they walk in. "Not about the sucking. And before you tell me why I'm wrong, there are, like, four other students at this school, and the monster isn't after me for once. I don't need protection. So let me handle the research while the four of you handle finding Cleo together."

"He's right," Aaron shrugs, his hand clasping the hilt of his sword. He had forgone the jacket in his room, leaving his bare arms open for the sun to hit just right, illuminating some of his tattoos. "Continuing the way we are is just giving the monster what it wants. We have to do better."

Hope sighs, taking the map from Landon before she looks at the others. "Fine. Let's just find Cleo."

She walks out of the room after kissing Landon's cheek with Kaleb trailing behind her. Aaron motions for Lizzie to follow only to realize her intense stare is directed at him. "What?" He asks.

"Nothing," she replies, shaking her head and holding it up a bit higher. "Let's go save the day."

A smirk graces his lips as he follows her out; he rolls his eyes when Landon sends him a thumbs up and a wink.

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now