20. Questions

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Jeongyeon's POV

This past days have been rough, exercising from left to right and dancing till my legs couldn't walk. Even though all it made me almost pass out I can't deny all the fun I've had

Especially with the girls that made me feel so warm inside, their just the best. Just thinking that sooner or later we're gonna split makes me sad. How can life be so cruel? We've became like inseparable, and now the room is filled with silence because of the tension of the competition.

"Hey cheer up! It's two weeks before finals, you've done great.. really" the friendly voice of Jihyo pulled me back to earth. She's just so sweet, caring and mostly understandable,

I've been spacing out all lot, even though it has nothing to do with the show sometimes I let them think of it.

It's not easy for me to open up, it never was.

I know this is what I want to do, really. So why do I have those weird thoughts?

"Common our staff let us have a treat! It's been ages since I've even drank cola, let's eat till we can't any more" Dahyun entered the rehersal room with her usual bubble of sunshine

Looking at them I felt envy, they seem to have it all. Definitely will come up in the 8th group and take over the world.

I remembered myself all the years of self work I've been doing and how far it took me both with therapy and workouts, I won't let my dark mind drag me back that easily

So I stood up and smiled towards my friends or rivals? Aishh screw that!

"Dahyun is right! Let's eat and have fun" I joined causing them to get startled, well I would be too if I saw someone just a second slumpy with a bad mood and suddenly energised.

But the word your surrounding is what makes you is true, seeing them makes me want to do better. I don't want to cause them not to doing their best cause of my mood.

We're all sitting at a good restaurant and we all looked at the food like we've never seen it before, "Steak! Steak steak!!" Mina squealed, have I told you she's Japanese? Well actually there's three and their all really pretty and sweet oh and momo is a dance genius I wonder sometimes how her body can move like that. It's captivating really.

I laughed at their reaction, "Just the smell makes me full" Nayeon continued clapping like a seal, "Right! I wish everyday could be likes this..." Sana sighed and that's true, it's all because of our strict diet and it's tearing us down.

Seriously they weight us, and there's punishment if we gain more than we should, though there's a few who can eat like a pig without gaining a single weight, I envy their metabolism, Tzuyu is one of them.. she has this warm energy I can't explain.

I feel like a mother everytime she's around, maybe cause she's the youngest out of all of us and the fact that she's the only member from Taiwan, "Thank you" she politely said as I placed the food on her plate.

"Is it just me or not cause I feel alert every teen seconds without the staff" Momo shivered making us chuckle, "Staff? More like hawks" I snorted as they rolled with laughter.

Before we could get all our food someone approached our table making us startled just the fact that we spoke about the staff and all, but I took the bullet for the team and watched who it was, "Hi! I just saw the episode of sixteen! I'm a huge fan already! Can I have a picture with you guys?" A girl said and now all of them watched, she smiled widely and I was speechless

We all were

People recognise us? Like us?

Seeing that we took way to long to answer Jihyo answered, "Of course! Thank you for watching and please continue cheering for us" and with that the girl stood in front of us and snapped a picture of us

"What. Just. Happened." Nayeon trailed off like she was in her own world, "I'm wondering the same" I muttered

Than her eyes widen, "Guys! Guys! Do you know what this means? We're recognised.. people watch us, not only that they vote every day, we truly have to do our best" She said and we all nodded at her words, "This means something..." Somi continued.

Everything I felt before coming here seemed like it just washed off cause of this girl showering us with completing words ... I don't know how to explain it, "The food is here" Nayeon squealed and they all were drooling as the food arrived

I ate since it's my cheat day and even though there were  negative words in the back of my mind I told myself I deserve it, after all the hard work I've put on this few weeks I deserve it right?

As I was ready for my next bite Somi grinned like a child, "This feels like heaven in my mouth, but guys we should get to know each other more should we ask questions like a game maybe?" She continued and I was instantly interested since we all don't know that much of each other but still we have this comfortable feeling around each other.

"I like that okay let's start with which school you guys attended" Nayeon answered and said a question of her own, that one question that made the food in my mouth seem not that tasteful anymore. I watched as big smiles appeared on all of their faces, and I wondered how that felt since it's related to the word school, "I miss them so much! I went to a school in Seoul, actually an all girls school which was the best!" Jihyo started and the smile didn't actually leave her face, her chubby cheeks.

All of them continued telling their stories and it was really fun, Tzuyu went in a extra ordinary school actually a boarding school, Momo and Sana actually went to the same school but they didn't attend the same grade

Than the question came to me and I felt my mouth go dry, I didn't know what to answer to that? That I was bullied? Or a certain person that still haunts me in my dreams broke my heart? That I was a loser? No thank you so I went with the best solution, "Mine was great! I didn't go to an only girl school but with boys also... it was fun.." I answered trying to smile and they all threw me smug looks, "Let me guess you were the popular one who got all the boys I can just see it!" Mina glared at me with laughter and what! How ironic that it was the total opposite

Popular? What a laugh!

"Speaking of boys... I want to know all the details.." Chaeyong rubbed her hands like a maniac and watched all of us


I knew this topic would come sooner or later,

Why why why why!



Hi guys I know I haven't updated in ages! But please stay tuned because it will only get better!

Continue showing love I love seeing you guys comment and appreciate my work

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