36. Not Enough

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4 years later


"How do you feel? I mean it's not everyone who has the chance to if I may say it conquer the world with your talents" the question from the interviewer made us all laugh, but inside I couldn't suppress how insane all of it is.

A guy from Busan who had no clue where to go and chose an artist career with the most annoying guys on earth, had it rough and at the end of the road made it, being famous in a boy band group? Traveled across the world? Is in America right now?

Yeah tell me if that's real

Namjoon our leader and the one who seems most responsible in the group answered, "The world is probably a big word, I mean we haven't exactly made it in Africa, South America—-" before he could continue with his rational speaking we all cut him with a sigh, "Don't you have the ability to not be logical all the time? Can't you be hypoterical for once?" Yoongi snorted in Korean making us all snicker as the interviewer had no clue, "Make sure to translate that" he told our crew.

The interview went on smoothly, and by smoothly I mean Namjoon doing all the talking and the rest of us sitting handsomely, "Good job," our manager came in sight with drinks.

"I really have to work on my English" Jin sighed

"Don't bother" Taehyung snorted


"You barely can speak Korean didn't you get what F on the exam?" Yoongi savagely entered the conversation that turned heated, "No and for your information I got an F plus,"

We all laughed at his defence, you wouldn't want to make Jin angry because he could all of a sudden go from a sweet rabbit to a dragon, "Same shit" Yoongi muttered under his breath, the only one who didn't care if anyone got mad.

And for some reason he had the bloody scary look once you got on his nerve, he acted like it was the end of the world, "Is that so? Then what about the time where—-" Jin gulped down the words as Yoongi ice cold glare that must be Satan himself, Jin chuckled awkwardly, "Oh! Look! Drinks"

I shook my head with a laugh, the whole group was complete. For years we argued and bickered with no end to it, but recently we came to understandments and I believe it has to do with our maturity, though I can't say that for all

Jin might be the oldest but I swear to god that son of a gun is the most childish, One might wonder what went through gods mind to make him the oldest.

Not that I'm the one to talk either, I have my temper and mood swings and somehow they always end up getting on my last nerve.

But they are like brothers to me, to have others instead of them would not feel right

"Come here you jerk!"

I watched them chase each other's like cat and dogs with a smile on my face

Yeah It wouldn't feel right at all.

"Practice!" Jhope cut all the fun off, Taehyung groaned like a child's candy being taken away from him, "When you just thought travelling to another country would lead to rest..."

That's what the most challenging have been, and probably most draining. To work and work without getting the time to have vacation or breathing.

I almost broke down seeing my brother which I haven't had the chance to really speak with in more then 6 months, this past few years have been really epic but also dark.

"Rest comes after death" Our manager muttered as we practiced for our upcoming song Spring Day.

To do it alone is hard, but in group we could push each other when one was lacking or lazy, That at least kept me sane.

We rested after a good two hours of rehearsal and in that twenty minute of rest I scrolled through my phone with a towel hanging around my shoulder, "Jimin's gonna cry again" Jin retorted after he saw a smile on my face

My smile dropped the second he said that, I threw my drenched towel at his face wishing they hadn't actually seen my shredding tears when my brother was on face time

The first and last moment in life they saw me crying.

"Shut it , " I hissed before finding a quiet place and calling my brother who know attends high school,

He answered at the third beep, "Brother"

I smiled widely, "Doyoung, Set on the face screen"

He hesitated before finally showing himself, "What are you embarrassed on your bro for calling you?"

He grinned and my chest tightened, talking in phone was not enough, sending letters and presents on Holidays was not enough, I had always promised my brother I would have his back no matter what

I laughed mentally how ironic it sounded

Brushing the depressing thoughts on my mind I plastered a proud smile on my face, "How's school? You better not ditch class" I said warningly at the last part

His lips curved up in a smile, "Bro I don't but you did"

I retracted the screen from my face and held my hand against the sounding of the phone before I chuckled mentally cursing the person who made him find out my rebellious years, it wasn't good that he attended the school I used to go to, I cleared my voice saying, "Wherever you heard that is not true, I was a excellent student, quite the best actually"

He laughed not buying my lies, who would? I suck at lying, something I wish I had great ability at.

It dawned me right then that my brother held the screen away from his surroundings, "Why won't you show me your classroom? Or class mates I bet they are—-" he cut me off with an off sounding laughter, "Bro, class Is starting.. I got to go, bye"

And the phone hang up in the middle of me saying, "Bye... love you bro"

Staring at the wall blankly I closed my eyes wishing someone could invent a travelling machine because I knew I loved where I am at my career

But just not where I am in life.



A/N: what do you think Jimin's Brother is hiding?

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