07- Imagination

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Jeongyeon's POV

I must say my ears must've contained a lot of wax, or maybe I'm suffering from deafness because what I heard a moment ago must've been me hallucinating again.

I really should check a doctor, why would Jimin talk about me .. with Yuna?

As if that make sense.

The footsteps faded eventually and I took that moment to walk towards my locker but a pair of legs in front of my eyes stopped me, I slowly looked up. God, what have I done to deserve your punishment? Huh.

Even though I don't believe in you can't you be on my side? For once?

I was praying in my head not caring that Jimin looks at me like I'm insane, "Wait! Uh- let me explain-" I stoped to take a deep breath and stare at him, he blinked, "You don't have to say anything.. it was wrong of me to eavesdrop.. But-" I trailed off and cut myself off seeing a grin appear on his face

He covered his mouth with his hand and gestures me to carry on, "Continue you were just saying?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, after all it's Jimin we're talking about. "I'm sorry, tell me what do I have to do now! I swear I'll do it!"

He only looked at me, deeply that it felt like there was someone in between my face, why is he staring through my soul like this, than he opened his mouth, "You'll do anything?"

I gulped, all the possible scenarios were running through my head but after all there's no possible limit to what Jimin is capable of
doing, I didn't let it show on my face. Instead I covered my anxiety with a nod, "Yes!"

He nodded slowly, "Turn around and walk through that door you should've went into"

I- what?

I turned around and faced the nurse room, but why? I swirled to see if he had any injuries but nothing I could see, "What happened to you?" I frowned

He tilted his head, "You should ask yourself that question"

What did he just say? Wait did he just speak English?.

Knowing that Jimin hates repeating himself I should prevent myself from asking, "What are you waiting for? Turn , don't make me do it" he warned and why did my heart skip a beat, not of his tone but how he's looking at me right now.

He narrowed his eyes at me and I realised I haven't moved from my spot, what is wrong with me. Seriously I can't focus. He's lips look so kissable right now and it feels like he isn't thinking all bad about me by the look of his face... I'm in my dreams again. I have to wake up.

I took a step back and clumsily crashes into the corner, "Eh.. I'm just," I was cut of by him grabbing my arm and twisting me towards the nurse room, I swear I could hear him chuckle, "Have anyone told you that your weird?"

Well, how do you say always in your language?

I didn't answer him though since I'll either stammer or forget what I'm about to say, just being this near him is not helping me, and he says I need to go to the nurse! No Mr. Know.It. All, the only thing I need is for you to be gone. That way I can focus and walk straight.

He pushed the door open making us see our school nurse, she's nice once I had to take this vaccine and I was pissing my pants, I remember it so embarrassing! But thankfully she was nice about it.

Hard to believe in this school right?

She frowned looking worried, "What happened?"

I smiled trying to get the grip of Jimin's  arm loose on me, "Well- it's just-" my words were cut off abruptly, "She hurt her leg" Jimin answered curtly

I shook my head at her and leaned to Jimin, "My leg is perfectly fine! Stop this" I whispered but he only rolled his eyes, "What are you scared? Don't tell me you are it.. It's not like your gonna have a surgery you know that right?"


I scoffed and crossed my arms, he followed my movements with a smirk on his face, "Me? Huh! I'm not afraid of it! It's-" he cut me off or maybe was it me who stoped when I realised he's very close, "-it's what?" He pushed further. I know he knows I'm annoyed and that's why he has this little smirk that he tries his best to not show.

I glared at him he sees this amusing and it's pissing me off, "It's just I'm not hurt alright" I hissed

The nurse interfered our conversation, "Then I guess there's no problem letting me check you" she said but I could se she tried her best to contain her laughter, my only question was what's so funny.

Than my eyes snapped back to Jimin who shrugged the moment I look at him, I narrowed my eyes at him, "Fine, but it's only because I'm not afraid"

The nurse I forgot her name was pulled me towards the bed, "I'm just gonna bring something you guys wait here"

Her heels clicked the ground as she left, I thought I was alone but when I looked up I saw Jimin still standing there.

I crossed my arms and he only watched me intently, "If your here to catch me scream
or run out of fear, than I can save your time by telling it's not gonna happen. "

He didn't answer me, instead he headed towards me. What's this all about?

"You do think the worst of me," He began after sitting on the bed right besides me. He lowered his head and looked everywhere besides me, how ironic of him to tell me I'm the one not paying attention.

"No" I answered not thinking it was loud enough for him to hear, but he wiped his head up and meet my eyes. Confusion was behind them. We stared and I don't know for how long, he cleared his throat, "No? But.." he trailed off

  Thinking about how he stood up for me made me not see him the same anymore.

  I don't know what fled into me but it sure bloody controlled me because what I did in that moment was something Yoo Jeongyeon never would done in her entire life, I reached out and cupped his face before dipping him for a peck on his lips.

   When sanity returned within me I quickly pulled back and his once confused face now surely looked different, his eyes. They were like a pool of deep dark orbs. Him looking at me like that I felt nervous, I fidgeted with my fingers and looked down anywhere and everywhere besides at him, I started twirling my hair locks and - out of the blue he caught my wrist stopping my movements

  "Jeongyeon" He called and I didn't look up, alright I stared at his shirt.. oh I really like that colour! It's cool and—"Jeongyeon I mean look at me"


I slowly looked up at him and he stared at me, "You don't have to explain it to me, I know what you think about me and I can't blame you, I've been a jerk towards you and I'm sorry.."

  The world must've stoped and we all must've died, no someone must've blackmailed him for saying such as things because there's no way that Jimin apologised to me.

No damn way

I was about to answer him but when I looked up he was gone.

  I must've imagined it.

Yes it was only an imagination.




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