Chapter 53

482 39 13

Jeongyeon's POV

The sheet ruffled and I had never felt a sleep so consuming and deep in every limb of my body, opening my eyes with a grunt I felt arms draped protectively over my body, tangled with his feet. His warm body covered mine.

A smile that reached my ears came to me, Jimin... Yesterday. The notion made me blush deeply and had my head resting on his chest, feeling his hand caressing my hear I knew he was awake.

Lifting my head slowly I met his unreadable gaze, "You couldn't sleep?" I asked feeling my voice raspy.

He only watched me and panic siezed through me, something was terribly wrong, I could sense it. I raised up feeling the sheets fall, my upper body on display as his gaze hungrily watched it, I held his chin making his eyes meet mine, "What's wrong," I whispered.

He seemed in deep think, as if he couldn't or was afraid.. or —- without answering me he instead trailed his mouth on my neck, not stoping until he reached my mouth, "You smell so good.."

I couldn't let his mouth or body addle my mind further, so I draped the sheet over me and pulled distance between us, "I want words Jimin,"

The tone of my words seemed to get him out of that mask, because I knew he was hiding something. I felt it at our love making, when a teardrop draped over my chest as he fell above me, I didn't want to confront him there because I could imagine he was in a shock himself. Because he tensed and turned his body away from me.

Now he meet my eyes with an look that made me nervous all of a sudden, "I- I should be hanged for taking advantage—"

I couldn't let him continue when I wanted this, "What are you speaking about? I wanted this, and don't you dare to tell me you regret it,"

The thought of it made my heart ache. I could face anything but regret in his face.

He took a deep breath, "you drank,"

"Not even a glass," I argued.

"It meddles everything," he said making me frown

"It made everything clear for me," I told him straightforward, it was true. I had not felt this for anyone. He had not been the first guy I have shared intimacy with, but that hardly mattered when my first was not a great memory.

But this, had I known it could feel like this...

He ran his hand through his messy hair that I ran thousand times through the night, "You don't understand," he said and I didn't.

"Your not making it easy to understand! For heavens sake Jimin it's like your a virgin and that would be the opposite of the womaniser you are so tell me what the hell has changed you," I ground out.

He chuckled in a way that sounded so miserable and shallow, "Don't make me laugh, I can't do it"

I didn't know if he meant my previous words, or something else but if he wouldn't tell me what was the problem I would make something else than laughter.

He met my eyes with an unblinking gaze, "Did you see the news surrounding me for the last weeks?" His careful prickly voice made me uncertain, yes I knew of the crazy sensation they just hit, "You won multiple awards at shows and you have reached the title of  hottest male in kpop," I was saying everything that came to mind.

He didn't move a muscle in his face, he was watching me simply, before saying, "No, while that is a true it is not the one I am speaking about, the new is about this article" He stoped only to open his desk, and place the article down on the bed.

Saesang fans want the blood of the mysterious girl in PARK JIMINS life, it is said from a close source that the mysterious girl has completely captured the Idol. He is smitten. And for that, the fans has been going wild.

There is multiple wagers in finding the woman. More to come.

My heart picked a beat reading those words. I met his gaze that was reading me carefully, maybe he expected me to cry or be scared. But I was neither

I met his gaze with a plain face, "Is this the reason?"

He watched me even more like he couldn't believe it, suddenly anger was visible in his face, by the tightening of his jaw and the vein popping from his forehead, "It is every reason! How can you not see the serious in it!"

I clutched the sheet hard, with my fingers turning into a fists around the fabric, "So what? Are we supposed to live in fright? Can't we live like we want? What you want.. what I want.."

Gone where the love in his eyes that I happened to see a glimpse of when he made love to me, now it was taken by a stern face, "You don't seem to understand, you are in danger. And will continue being it, exactly in this moment someone can find out your in this location, in my house!" He bursted out, I refused to weep like I felt inside, he was being unfair.

"What do you mean by this? You want to break up?"

"Goddamn it yes, I want you away from me"

As if his words burned I recoiled,

I stood up with haste and could see the way his eyes roamed around my body, suddenly he was helping me put on my clothes, with swift jerk he held my hand that wanted to punch his gut, his warm body was pressed behind me, "I care for you, that's why I am telling you this" He whispered achingly. I swirled around meeting his wretched face, "I can protect myself, I can look out for myself—"

"— It is my responsibility to look out for you,"

I scoffed, "Your not my boyfriend anymore, how can it possibly be your responsibility"

He clenched his fists I could see his body freeze at my words, "Don't make this hard for me than it is, you will thank me one day"

Thank you for exactly what? I wanted to say.

But when I saw the stubborn and arrogant on his face I knew he would not listen or take my words seriously, and had I not loved this fool I would dashed out of his house and never see his face

But that thought was unbearable.. to never see him. Was like never seeing a light at the end of a tunnel,

I dropped the garments in my hands and strode until I was inches away from his face, he tried to hold control, god I could see it and feel it by the sudden tense in his body, but I knew he couldn't stay away from me just like I couldn't stay away from him.

He just needed to come to terms with that

"Tell me you want me out of your life," I started, and his face glared hard at me, "What are you trying to do by this, it won't change anything, the fans—"

"Tell me"

He held my gaze steady and I didn't blink, waiting for his answer, "I want you out of my life"

My chest squeezed painfully but I continued, "Tell me you this months has meant nothing to you,"

"It has meant nothing for me,"

"Tell me you never want to see me again," I took a deep breath, feeling it was harder to inhale rather than exhale, as if a sharp knife continued to stab into it, his mouth opened only to close it again, suddenly he sobbed, but that was impossible because Park Jimin never cried,

I could feel a smile reach my face as I told him again, "Say it"

"I can't," he shook his head, "I can't say it"

"Why," I pounced on, because it was the same for me. The thought was unbearable. It was harder than anything I could ever say.

When he couldn't say it either I held his face and made him look at me, "You won't get rid of me that easily, see you can't even be true to yourself" I smiled at his tearful eyes, he was watching me wonderingly

"Why- why aren't you leaving, why are you staying?"

"Because I love you.. you idiot.. I love you" And instead of letting him understand with words I crushed my mouth to his showing him how exactly much I loved him.



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