27. Rules are made to be broken.

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Jeongyeon's POV

"What happened to my sister! Who abducted her and placed her into this body? And she even wears makeup—" my sister in other words my whole reason of living in this earth is in front of me and not digitally like we've been talking for months.

And usually I love her to death but right now when she's inspecting me like some kind of insect it's kind of hard, "I guess poking my eyes is not that bad after all but mascara is designed to make me blind" I crossed my arms in defence, she laughed at me and pulled me into air squeezing hug, "Oh my little sister is a woman!"

"Aww unnie your suffocating me" I groaned and as expected she hugged me even tighter. And I sunk deeper missing home. Wherever I went I knew nothing could feel as home as being with my sister, "And you've grown some inches don't tell me they starve you there!" She pulled me back to inspect some more on me and I shrugged, "Not really.. I mean we did get scaled but it isn't anything compared to what I've heard on other entertainments," I assured her and to my rescue she dropped the case, I didn't want to tell how I actually ate less than I should.

The voice in my brain constantly telling me I'm putting on weight has taken over my control.

"That's better, let's hit town!" She squealed and linked our arms as guards picked my suitcase.

Not to brag or anything but my sister is at the top list of actresses and it's showing whenever I walk with her, I feel like an plant while she's the tree, "Can I have a picture?" A face appeared in front of our sight making us halt in place.

I smiled and was about to leave out of the way to take the picture for them, "Your Jeongyeon in sixteen right? Can I also have a picture with you?" The girl said and it startled me.

Wait... she wants a picture with me?

Yes I've gotten a few asking when I was with the group but never had I thought someone would recognise me alone, realising I haven't answered I quickly told her, "Uh— yeah of course"

We took a few pics and the girl waved and went, "See! Your gonna take over the world I knew it!" Seungyeon was not as surprised as I was, but it isn't surprising when she is the only one who supported my decision.

"And the believe you have on me always surprises me" I muttered and didn't expect her to hear but she did and caught my attention when she glared at me, "I can't fathom how you think of yourself.. Have trust, I just know you'll become a real artist and people will see you for who you are." She told me and every word of her always did something to me.

Maybe cause she was the only one who pushed me besides my group who I've connected on a deeper level with, seriously we live as one by now.

I chuckled, "I love you"

"Love you! But you will owe me 50 bucks when that day comes" she pointed playfully

"I will give you everything I have" I grinned and the topic changed to her work. I listened hearing her talk about her rude directors and couldn't help but laugh how star struck she talked about actors she works with,

"And they said kiss!! And in my head I was like by all means I'm not complaining to share a kiss with Kim Woo Bin!" She sighed dreamingly and I threw my pillow at her

She knows what kind of crush I had on Kim Woo Bin growing up and mind you it hasn't left one bit, "I don't want to hear it!" I covered my ear or rather my heart that's crushing in pieces.

A girl could not have everything right?

Thankfully she didn't went on if they french kissed or deep kissed or whatever— "Speaking of hot guys I haven't heard you telling me anything and don't tell me no guy has hit on you when your drop dead gorgeous!"

Shit shit shit!

This is exactly what I tried to dodge but who am I kidding this is my sister we're talking about and she's the most gossiping and boy talking person I've meet—- well besides Nayeon, she's a crazy one.

"Uhm about that there's this boys whose also traines.. and their from a another entertainment but their company was shut down for a while so they to share with us..." I trailed off and she nudged on peanuts and gestured for me to continue,

I wet my lips suddenly feeling nervous, but nether less I continued, "And my friend let's say hypothetically know one of them but shes not sure if he remembers her but he looks at her like he knows her... and hypothetically she looked like a whole different person back than when they knew each other.. does it make sense he remembers her?" I swallowed and she seemed like I told her to solve an equation and mind you my sister is not great at math.

But at boy talk she's a genius, "Hmm that's a tough one but are we hypothetically talking about you?" She raised her eyebrows and I almost choked, "No! M- my friend as I told you"

Damn it why can she read me like an open book!

"Alright your 'friend' should know that guy clearly remembers her and  likes her if he dares to look her way when y'all have rules.." She told and right she knows about the serious rules we have since we talk like every day.

I cleared my throat, "There's no way he likes me— I" I groaned knowing I've been caught and she only chuckled, "They should really change the lyrics on Trazel to Sister knows beeest" She laughed at her own joke making me shake my head at her and laugh myself.

"I should meet the daring boy who made my sister remember his existence" She said and I immediately sat straight, "Hey I don't think about him"

She cocked her head like I spit bullshit, "Who are you fooling? There's tons of guys who asked your phone number but you didn't even bother giving them, and let's not talk about high school" She shook her head in disbelief and I was alarmed hearing her say high school but I know she never knew anything, one because I never told her.

And the second no one besides god and that wench Yuna knew, hell I still remember her name.

"Yeah let's never talk about high school" I muttered low under my breath

"What did you say?" Seongyeon stoped chewing her food

"Nothing we should sleep right? There's a long road ahead of us..."

"Have you missed Busan?" Thank the lord we changed subject cause it was seriously eating me out that I've even told her one thing.

Not because I don't trust my sister but I don't trust myself to hear one thing about him and fall in the thought of him liking me. It shouldn't matter, I can't be the stupid naive girl I was once.

That girl is long time buried.

I was lost in my thoughts not realising I hadn't answered her question, "I miss Busan  so badly.. the food doesn't taste the same.. I can't wait to eat corn dog" I was melting thinking about food.

"I can't believe the first thing running through your mind is food!" She accused me and I have no idea what off.. "I never knew food was a crime , arrest me" I laughed

"It is when you can finally enter the bars and clubs! Do you know how much I've waited for this day to finally drink with my sister!"

Oh right... yippie! just this tiny bit of a problem, "Uhm, how do I explain this.. remember all the never ending rules I told you about?"

"Going to any club or bar is one of them..." I answered and the look on her face fell and it made want to burst out laughing, seriously it was comical

Then a twisted smirk rested on her face, "Have you heard of Rules are made to be broken"

  Oh no... I smell trouble



Can't wait for y'all to read further... it's gonna be sooo exciting.

Comment if you think Jeongyeon will be a good girl and follow the rule like always

   Or if the good girl is a bad girl who haven't been caught;)

  Much love from your Jeongmin shipper!

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