Chapter 46

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Jeongyeon's POV

I cant believe I am doing this, but scolding myself could come later because right now I was all tense on meeting him

With sunglasses covering my eyes I leaned more back into the car seat, one of the few places we actually could meet without anyone seeing.

His body form came to sight and I started giggling, he glared at me. The superman costume did look great on him, "You look handsome" I locked upon the door and his fresh smell hit my nostrils, slumping on the passenger seat and without a warning he leaned forward and took hold of my neck, just as fast his lips landed on mine making my breath hitch, he nipped and coaxed it open, trying to depend the kiss, Pushing his chest lightly I tore my lips away,

"Ass" I hissed to his devilish smirk, somehow it did not get on my nerve like before, I really need to grasp myself. A whole month and he made me turn into a school girl,

"I couldn't help it, god Jeongyeon you made me wear this stupid costume" He grumped and normally I would laugh at that but lately I have been weird.. something that Mr. Eagle was seeing, if Jimin thinks of this as stupid—-

Suddenly his hand was at my cheek and I realised I was in my thoughts, "Overthinking again?" He calmly said and I sighed, "Did anyone see you when you left?"

"Just the boys, but they would never cross my privacy"

"Let's hope so" I muttered darkly, his eyes meet mine questiongly, "Why this mood? Has anything happened"

I duelled no telling him about Mr. Eagle, but that wouldn't be good since Jimin— also the person my mind couldn't understand is now my boyfriend— has a temper, an also jealous. He thinks that the whole freaking country is pinning on me, and his possessiveness shocked even me, though it was not controlling it was as if he staked a claim.. "Your my girlfriend, don't that answer it" was his brooding reply. the memory of people crossing him in the past was not a good one. I have seen him in fights before, though he need to watch his reputation closely I would rather not inform him about Mr. Eagle and how he watches me closely,

"Just jet lagged.." I said and it was not a lie, we have been flying a lot this month, though it was a blessing to see beautiful countries and people it also brought lack of sleep. He took of my sunglasses , His hand held my shoulder and draped me over to his chest, startling me.

"Easy....sleep" he said as if he could read my mind, I wondered how he know, probably because of my dark circles, but nevertheless I needed to rest I really do

He caressed my hair in a soothing way that I found myself cuddling closer to his body, finding warmth I have never felt before. And in that peaceful moment I felt that he was worth it, he was worth giving a chance, for the past few weeks we haven't completely stoped arguing, that was kind of hard when we were opposite in every single way. But he trying, badly and I was cold to not see it,

In truth I was afraid.. I had always been, that he would want me for the way I am now, like other guys who only saw me in a shallow way.

But he did not, his eyes, his smiles and mostly the way he talked, like I was someone he adored and liked.. deeply.

Hearing rain drops on the car I opened my eyes tiringly and realised holy shit! I moved from his arm draped over my waist and found him in an awkward state, his head was resting on mine with an uncomfortable body angle,

Despite the warmth I felt on the peaceful sleep look on his face I groaned, "Jimin, wake up.. god we have slept!" I gathered my sunglasses back and watched him finally move out of sleep, his eyes meet mine a moment of confusion at where we was, "That was the best sleep I had" his husky voice sent thrills through me

But instead I scoffed while throwing a wig over my head, thanks to us now being late than I wanted I can't drive me car, paparazzi and fans are probably outside our agency.

"Hey hey" his voice stoped me in stress, "Here" I watched him holding the card I was desperately searching for, I smiled trying to reach it but he dangled it above me, "No-uh, babe it costs"

I sighed while putting on lipgloss, "What"

The corner of his lips curved into a grin, and he pointed at his lips making me roll my eyes, "Are we really doing this" I probably looked like a red tomato again, "It's nothing we haven't done before, I have realised you haven't kissed me"

"We've kissed" I defended

"But you have not initiate it,"

I opened my mouth to close it again realising that he was right, it was either him or no kiss happened, and it would be a lie to say I did not like his kisses.

Since I have barely time I leaned forward and the asshole did no move to lean in, he was waiting for me to do it, "Wipe that smile of your face" I muttered gazing at his face before I kissed him quickly and took the card out of his hand before he could do something stupid as kissing back, "That was not a kiss , a peck, for children" he snorted darkly and my lips twitched into a smile, with no time I wiped his lips with my thumb as he watched me dumbfounded, "Lipgloss" I answered sweetly before saying rudely

"Now get out of the car"



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