25. He remembers

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   Jeongyeon's POV

"You what!" Dahyun gasped and that made me glare at her, "Shush" Nayeon whispered

"Yes we saw them and gosh let me tell you there's some good looking guys"  Nayeon continued towards them, let me just cover my ears cause I know what's about to come with this girls, "And guess who had a little eye on someone?" Chaeyoung pushed in with her side of the story


If the day couldn't just get worst... how was it even possible?. How can I be this cursed to see him out of all the billions people on this world?. And above all how did he even recognise me? Even my sister who I've known my whole life told me how unrecognisable I look from my old photos, even agencies reached out to me when my confident raised and I felt better than ever, they never reached out when I was fatty pants...

Maybe I'm just paranoid? Right I'm just insane cause he probably got something in his eyes and I was just accidentally in front of his gaze.

I was in my own thoughts as Nayeon provided them all the gossip about the new trainees for Big Hit.

I've imagined seeing him with a serious looking face behind a billionaire businessman cover, following the steps of his well known family, everyone knows how successful they are in the business world.

But out of all the places possible

I never expected to see him here.

My heart jumped at the thought of recalling all the memories, no way. I know one thing for sure and that's for my lips to be sewed about him, if I act like he doesn't exist I'm sure he'll do the same.

That guy bullied me and I hate him, no I despise him, how can my heart betray me like this?. Thank heavens we have staff that's gonna make sure our schedules never collide, "So?" The girls looked at me with micheviousness making me awkwardly chuckle

"So what?"

"Uh no, your not gonna get away with this one, tell us who you thought was hottest" Nayeon clung to me like a koala and I held the urge to roll my eyes, I mean common this girls are like top FBI and my skills aren't good with lying, "Uhm, I don't even know their names" I quickly saved myself

Don't know their names? Really!

They'll just ask me once I know their names

"Alright but I thought the one with dimples that had his eyes on you was hot.." Nayeon commented making me startled

"He's a douche" the words flew out of my mouth without permission and I inwardly groaned

By the look of the girls I knew they heard it, "What? You know him?" Dahyun asked while brushing her long hair. And I got suspicious looks already, "No- what I'm trying to say is that he looks like a douche, really.. his face and all, those you've seen in all dramas and movies it's like art.. far away it looks good but once you see the bigger picture it's such a disappointment" I blabbered not realising I'm being mad, they all looked at me trying to solve an equation

And I held myself from laughing... poor them if only they knew

"I'm gonna act like I understood you..." Nayeon trailed off and the topic was changed

Thank goodness

I'm already stressing about the dance final coming up and I don't need another one.

The past is the past and it should be left like that.

"Wanna eat?" Chaeyoung piped up, what a great timing I must say.

We don't have that long lunch break so we had to hurry towards the cafeteria, the best place. That's where I get to see all the idols, Suzy is so pretty in real life and gosh even Rain comes here!. Just to see a glimpse of them makes my whole day!

"Let's hurry I want to see all of them" We sound like the craziest people, and I will admit we are once were placed close to any idols

I was just picking my plate when Nayeon squealed, "The trainees! How lucky can we get in one day!!"

It hasn't been even an hour and I'm already in the same roof with them, "Luck? More like curse" I muttered and they were to busy picking food to hear me.

Or maybe busy looking at them, Dahyuns eyes popped out, "I think the tall one looked at me,"

"He's handsome" She continued.

Oh gosh please help me. I'm just trying to appreciate all this heavenly food around me today, I won't even bother looking at the idols anymore.

"Jeongyeon" , yeah those pickles look really good

And those— "Jeongyeon" my thoughts were cut of again, "What!" I snapped annoyed

"Don't look but the hot— I mean douche is checking you out.. I think he fancy you" Jihyo poked me

"No I think he has something in his eyes, can we please sit somewhere" I ignored my cheeks warming up.

Why am I being like this? After everything I've told myself and hearing that he's looking at me makes me blush.. I never blush!

I couldn't take feeling eyes on me anymore so I snapped my eyes up wishing I never did, because he was already looking at me intensely not caring about his surroundings and even though we didn't communicate I swear I know what he's up to, so I threw him the coldest glare I've ever gave anyone, his lips twitched making me grit my teeth

How annoying can a human being be!

"Where you listening Jeongyeon?" A voice cut my thoughts off or rather my plan to murder someone and hide their body somewhere no one will find... maybe the Bermuda Triangle? I've heard no one came out from there alive.

Realising the girls are all looking at me I chuckled awkwardly, "Of course! I'm just feeling a bit dizzy"

"Hold up I have something" Jihyo immediately bowed down to her purse and I felt guilty for lying to them, but on other hand the truth is complicated to explain and they'll bug me non stop about it.

I gulped my lies hoping the guilt will follow, "This works" She handed me paracetamol and I thanked her.

Thankfully I could devour my food in peace when I saw out of the corner of my eye the big hit trainees picking up their plates, don't look up. Even though Nayeons mouth was hung open and completely focusing on being the boy crush girl she is it was different from all the other moments because

1. My cheeks is burning and will explode any second

2. Never in my nightmares had I thought Park Jimin the one who ruined high school for me and made me hate school itself has returned.

3. And if it just couldn't get worse he remembers me!


Hi long time no see! I've missed writing a lot and won't disappoint you guys, even though I don't have an schedule I will update frequently.

And who knows two chapters in a day may appear if you guys remember to vote and show support!

Much love to all my Jeongmin lovers;)

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