06. He stood up for me.

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   Jeongyeon's POV

  Jimin is holding me, Jimin is holding me. I can't count how many times my brain has chanted that but I hope it's not something visible on my face.

  Being this close to him is not helping me think correctly, he picked me up like I'm a piece of feather.... No

I felt suddenly insecure and tried getting off from him, he only gripped me harder.

"Stop moving" He snapped at me but I didn't stop, I tried wiggling out of his death grip on my waist... all the fat is collected especially there.

He must think I'm fat... He thinks I'm fat.

That's it. I wiggled hoping to get out, "Will you cut it out" He faced me and the breath in my lungs went out, why is he looking at me like that.

My mouth felt dry, "After you let me go, I can walk by myself" I answered back with the same tone.

He glared at me, I glared right back. Usually I would look down at anyone looking at me particularly because I feel awkward but here with him this close to me my eyes didn't move.

Than he's lips curled in a mocking way, "Really? I recall you falling not once but twice"

I felt my cheeks turn 370 degree, "I didn't fall, why do you even care? just go back to laughing"

The warmth got replaced with burning anger, I felt it bubbly inside of me. He stands here when he hates me, he holds me in his arms acting like he cares when In fact he don't. Than something clicked in me.

I looked over his shoulder but his eyes was set on me, I couldn't see anyone but I can just imagine it.

I could tell he's mad, "You want me to go back laughing? Your really something else!"

I scoffed, he said what?. "I'm something else? Your something else! Acting like you care when I know your plotting something with Yuna, it's a matter of time everyone knows it"

I hadn't realise we just stared at each other after those words left my mouth, he didn't speak. Than something flickered in his eyes and I swear I could see an emotion I thought this human was incapable of feeling

"You think that of me?"

I think worse

I met his eyes, "How could I possible not?"

He cursed under his breath making me glare at him, "stop cursing"

I took that time to get off him and thankfully the grip on my waist loosen, my spine hurts but thankfully my legs is alright.

I was about to turn around and walk in school but a tight grip stoped me, Jimin.

I looked at his hand and back at him, before I or he could say anything a voice cut our eye duelling off, "Jeongyeon! I brought you water"

Doyoung appeared in front of us, I looked at Jimin who seemed more annoyed than he was before. When isn't he annoyed?

I smiled gratefully, "Thank you doyoung" and took the water bottle.

Doyoung stood beside me and it was as if he's alert that Jimin the one who partially always had a problem with me is suddenly talking to me. What a day.

I thought Jimin would leave directly but he stared at me and although it was silent somehow just by looking at him I could imagine what he was plotting... she's the fattest girl I've picked... how could I kiss her... she's ugly

Than he opened his mouth, closed it again. And with that he was gone.

Doyoung came in front of me in a split of second making me startled, "What did he do? What did he say.. are you alright?" He snapped fingers in front of my face to gain my attention which was set on Jimin's back.

I chuckled, "It was nothing.. he tried helping me that's all"

Doyoung narrowed his eyes at me, "You know you can tell me anything." he stoped to smile, "If you don't want to speak I get it, just let me help you to the nurse"

He stepped beside me and I tried my best to focus on his words, but everything went from one ear and vanished through the other. Jimins words were like a never stoping CD in my head.

You think that of me?

How his usual cold face showed an what is it called... emotion. Yeah. I can't believe it, why would he care what I think? He already told me what he thought about me at that party.

I shouldn't of went there.

Trouble is finding my way and I know Yuna and her witches won't get off my back.

I yelped in surprise when doyoung started dragging me towards school, "Doyoung.. I'm really fine," I mumbled but he ignored me, "Just so you know I can walk" I continued.

Once again he ignored me. He stoped in front of the nurse room, "Thank you" I trailed off

He nodded, "Of course".

As soon as he left I was ready to go towards my locker because there's no way I'm gonna go to the nurse, It doesn't even hurt. Well.. maybe

I walked towards the stairs when doyoung was in no sight, suddenly a familiar voice made me stop on my tracks and it soon came towards my way. I quickly hid behind a corner

"You've went to far," The cold voice and familiar one were no other than Jimin, but why is he so mad?

I soon got my answer thanks to the high pitched voice, "I try my best! Now what are you referring to this time?" It was yuna.

"You know exactly what I'm referring to, Jeongyeon," he stoped and so did my heart. Me? Out of all the people he meant me.

His tone was dangerously low, than Yuna gasped "Oh Jimin! What happened to you! We used to laugh, don't tell me that girl has fooled you" she clicked her tongue

  "This is my warning, If I ever see you and that minions of your's harassing Jeongyeon again you will regret it" He said it with such a seriousness that I bet Yuna is scared to her bones because there was only silence answering him.

I bit my lip trying to control the smile appearing on my face, but it doesn't matter since I'm bubbling inside, thankfully no one sees me and thinks I'm a maniac smiling like a fool.

  Jimin aka the ones who hated me, can't stand me,

Just stood up for me?



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