03. Therapy

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Jeongyeon's POV

It's been forever since I've felt like doing something, in other words I mean being active. Believe it or not I'm having a running session with my sister Seongyeon, she stuck with me and I must praise her for that.

2 weeks did a lot both mentally and physically, The school was the same besides the fact that Jimin wasn't there. I got to find out that the football team of the school went on a field, yippie! It was like a dream walking through the school halls without my heart beating out of my chest just of seeing him laugh, smile, even breath.

As usual Yuna and her minions made sure to not let me rest, I was deep in my thoughts and didn't realise Seongyeon was speaking so I turned my AirPods off


She shook her head and laughed, "Your really getting into it! See it's not bad right?"

I smiled, "Actually no, but I must say stepping on soggy snails isn't the best"

Thanks to the weather it wasn't enjoyable but it only made me push forward, "You'll get used to it and before you know it the most hottest girl in school will be you, and I'll make sure of it"

I held myself from snorting, hottest?. I'll be happy with losing the weight, after living like this for most of my life I'll be called far away from the word hot,

Seongyeon eyed me, "How's school going?"

Abort mission. Okay so let me explain, I've really not told Seongyeon anything of all my high school years, I'll say it was okay and she'll leave it like that but now that she doesn't film because she has taken a break I hear it daily.

Oh you know nothing just that girl likes to pick on me and the whole school laughs.... and did I mention I like someone who I shouldn't ever like?.

Yeah as if. I don't like putting burden to people so I'll rather hold it to myself, besides It's not like my sister could help me I need to get through it myself.

Looking at Seongyeon who was waiting for my answer I answered, "Perfect, I'm already close with someone" lies.

Her face lit up at my last words, "Really? Why won't you invite her"



After my exercise with Seongyeon I took a shower and put on fresh clothes, even though I finished school I'm heading out right now, which I never do. It's because of my therapy session that I entered, trust me I'm a lazy person who likes to be in my room daily and some people might find it boring but I never get bored.

I don't envy the ones partying, if maybe I was ever invited but that doesn't matter because I'm not even trying to be it, not that I could. You get the meaning right?

I headed towards the therapy with my huge hoodie and grey jeans, I must look like a raccoon right now.

As I looked up my eyes couldn't believe what they saw, a very familiar person heading out of the entry door


He's eyes snapped to me and I cursed under my breath seeing him froze for a split of second and head straight towards my way


What in the hell!

I was mentally panicking and did what I thought was the best, I ran backwards and started jogging but knowing that my quickness is nothing compared to this athletic boy I didn't have a chance, firm hands jerked me backwards and I was crushed into a hard chest making me suck in a deep breath.

  Kill me

I looked down not able to stare into his eyes, he jerked my chin forward making me startled. Something flashed between his eyes, I couldn't understand but he covered it with anger and instead glared at me, "What are you doing here?" He's cold voice brought me out of my thoughts

"I-I'm taking a walk" , great stammering, but it's hard to talk straight being this close to someone.

My lying really needs to get better because he did not believe me a bit, "See if I ever find out your lying to me-" he trailed of dangerously and I thought he was gonna say something more but he didn't.

His hand was still underneath my chin making it almost impossible for my mind to not rethink about that day, so I did what's best and flicked his finger way.

"What are you doing here?" I shot back.

He looked at me without answering and wow, talk about hypocrite.

We just stared at each other and weirdly it didn't feel awkward or make me want to leave like everyone else I've stared this long into, suddenly my phone rang making me grab it out from my jeans,

  Kim Yeol

My face lit up seeing his name it's been so long we've spoken, I was about to answer him but my phone was snatched from my hands


I glared at Jimin, "Give me back my phone"

He didn't even listen to me and instead read the caller ID, "Kim yeol?" He looked up at me with another anger resting on his face.

What's wrong with him. Seriously I was shocked that he had therapy because he needs a mental check up instead.

I rolled my eyes, "So know you like to take people's stuff?"

He raised an eyebrow at my comment, "I'm not Yuna"

He was right, he's not Yuna.

"I know" I answered back and something calmed down in his face, before I continued

"Your worse"



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