14. Piano

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Park Jimin

I kicked the ball and missed the goal, "Easy, you don't want to break the gate" coach's voice came

Thinking that football would take my mind out of this was wrong of me, I'm nearly this close to punch someone in the face and seeing Minhyuk walk towards me with a smirk on his face I should take that chance, "Don't even try! Come here" I warned him after seeing him try to take walk opposite in order to get away

He chuckled and pointed towards himself , "Me?"

I nodded and raised my fingers gesturing him to come, "Don't make me kick this ball at your face"

That made him react.

"Great advice, and to think that I  should take it from someone who hasn't solved his one problem " I laughed sarcastically

He crossed his arms, "And what's my one problem?"

One word, one name made his mouth twitch and his eyes glare holes at me, "Aeurum" I answered

"That's different"

  "How?" I pushed

He shook his head and lowered his head before laughing and I was concerned, "What you laughing at you baboon?" I eyed him, seeing him laugh all of a sudden and I realised it was loneliness appearing on his face, "She doesn't want me, she's constantly flirting with guys at least I can see Jeongyeon wants you"

"Really? What do you call having a boyfriend than?"

He's eyes widen a fraction before he started to take backward step, "Sorry bro! Let's just think that it never happened" and before I could grab his neck and maybe break it in two he ran out of my sight

Let's think it never happened

Tell that to my mind whose constantly filled with her, her lips that I've spared glances at more than once, all I wanted was to kiss her senselessly again , her eyes that held mine for seconds though it felt like ages.

I'm totally fucked

With one hard kick I walked away from the field and was about to head towards my changing room when someone linked my arm, "Hey handsome" the high pitches voice could be detected from miles, heck even if I were deaf I could hear that voice

I rolled my eyes and continued walking, "Not in the mood, Yuna"

If you thought my cold tone would make her run than your wrong, she only chuckled, "I could change that.. I heard you have a match today,"

I answered shortly, "Yeah"

"And wouldn't you want your lucky charm to come?"

Huh? What is this girl talking about.

"Yuna I've told you there's nothing, and it won't ever gonna be something between us" I repeated but since I question her IQ every day it's better to say it more than once, her eyes widen, "But why?"

I scoffed and stoped walking, "I couldn't be with a girl like you, your selfish and egoistic just go back looking at your mirror will you?" I snapped and my glare made it clear for her to not cling after me.

"It's Jeongyeon isn't it?" She shouted making me stop on my tracks,

She walked towards me with a smug smile on her face, "If you haven't noticed she and doyoung looked very cozy this days"

My hands turned into fists hearing her say that, than I remembered why should I believe her words? After all it's coming from the most manipulative person I know.

Than my mind replayed that guys words

  I'm her boyfriend

That means what yuna said.. stop Jimin

So what If their together? I knew what she felt when were together, it's just a matter of fact before she'll come to me, after all that's what every girl does

Before I could answer yuna my mobile started ringing, I grabbed it out from my pants and saw the ID caller


Instantly I didn't want to answer, after the fifth beep I did knowing that it'll not help anything.

"Yes father" I answered

"Jimin, your aware of what's happening today I want you at time not one second late, you got it" his stern tone made it clear

And what a coincidence he can't even remember I have an important match today.

What's to remind anyway, it's not like he'll come to watch me play.

I barely can remember dad had the time to kick ball with me and my brother, it's been ages , "Yes, anything more?" I kicked the stone on the ground

"Woobin will have a new tutor so show her the place when she arrives"

And with that he hung up the phone.

Woobin is my brother who no one knows off, he's someone I'm very protective over. The tragedy of our mother left a permanent scar on him that can't be erased, sometimes I ask life why it weren't me? Why him. I remember him being able to kick a ball, run and smile but now it gets blurry after all those years.

I have to set a good example on him, I'm the only example he has. Dad just changes a tutor after tutor without taking the chance to know what's wrong.

I know he needs me beside him.

After changing my sweaty clothes I saw my chauffeur waiting usually at the parking lot.

"Bro see you at the match!" Jungyun shouted after me and I only replied with a wave of my hand


Hoping out of the car I came to my house, or a mansion as some call it. My mother came from a rich family and my dad has a whole fortune, he's an engineer.

I entered the house, quiet as always. A wave of loneliness came to me seeing no one to greet you and being able to say hi I'm back from school! As other kids, than all of a sudden that lonely part disappeared when I saw my brother coming with his wheelchair

"Jimin!" He smiled widely.

I smiled not wanting to show him any kind of emotions that overtook me a moment ago, "Are you okay?" He slowly asked

I tilted my head, "Your eyesight must've gone bad, champ! I'm fine as Ronaldo could be"

His face went brighter hearing his favourite football player, "Your playing today right?!" 

I nodded, "Yeah and I heard your having a new tutor"

He sighed at my last words making me ruffle his hair, "Enough, who might know? She might listen to your rambling about Ronaldo"

He felt into laughter, I watched it feeling a weight fell from my shoulder. Whenever I have a rough day I know him laugh made me accomplish something, "I can always dream.. It's just geography... math.. English and what is the rest of the subjects?"

I shook my head chuckling, "You buddy might turn of that TV a little bit earlier won't you think?"

He drove his wheelchair after me towards our living room, the housekeeper ran here and there making me frown, "What's with the rush nuna?"

She stoped her mopping, "There will be more people than expected so we need to prepare a stage"

Me and Woobin exchanged looks, "What stage,   It's not a singing competition right" me and him feel into laughter thinking of dads guests being able to sing

I bet their robotic voice will be a good melody

But our housekeeper didn't think it as fun, in fact she didn't hear us, she was mumbling to herself

"Oh the piano! Piano"



   I appreciate all you readers! And jeongmin shippers *wink*.


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