34. Evidence

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Jeongyeon's POV

I can't believe it.

I'm in the final group, the last round that'll either goes home or makes it. What I've been spending my whole time for day and night, restlessly doing my best until it hurt psychically and mentally. And while we should part our ways and focus on the upcoming performance we're balling our eyes out.

"I.. can't no—" Sana sobbed her hiccups starting again making us laugh through this difficult time, we cried and hugged until there weren't any tears left. I felt my head hurting in the process , "Gosh I'm getting a headache.. We told each other to cry happy not sad" Nayeon blurted like the person she is, always having a smile on her face until today.

We were all so touched by how far we've come but it's heading to the end, the scary part is I never thought I could get attach like this

cause you never had friends , the voice in my head reminded me and as unbelievable it sounded to them when I said that it warmed me. That maybe I belong somewhere after all.

"Let's end this cry party before the staff looks at us like we're insane" Chaeyoung pointed out making us in union wipe our tears as the staff headed towards our way.

We stood up immediately and showed respect when our CEO came in sight, the tension in the air turned thick as we waited for his words.

"Girls.. I must say you've surprised me, within 6 months you've showed me sides of yourselves that not everyone get to see.. and trust me when I say I don't get surprised easily, seeing y'all consideration to one and other and understanding team work, that this is one for all and all for one. It's something that's admirable and you guys could be proud off, so put your hundredth to this last final performance, "

Hearing those words we're something that's still.. mind blowing to me. One, our boss is like the most hardest person to ever please and he's a perfectionist. And when we all glanced at each other with widen eyes I knew I haven't just thought I heard those words leaving his mouth.

And I certainly didn't expect a smile to come after, "Well I won't waste your times for long cause you need to come up with an idea right" and with that last message he left just like the intense tension followed him.

"My heart beats crazy when ever he's—" Dahyun muttered making me laugh before she realized what her words sounded like, "Your not implying you like our boss right" I grinned as she gasped, "Did I say my heart beat crazy? Okay let me correct it and say it feels like I'm having a fatal heart attack"

"Good save" Nayeon teased and just as I was laughing a staff gestures me to come.

The girls all looked dumbfounded like me but I quickly hurried towards him and bowed, "Yes?"

"The CEO wants to have a speak with you, and make sure the door is closed when you enter" He said with a poker face and I had a heart attack, I gulped nervously trying to think why in the world he would want to have a word with me?

What have I done?

Have I killed someone? I mean I do tend to walk in my sleep.. don't tell me I've broke something?

Or worse, don't tell me the votes have gone wrong and I'm going home.

I've never felt scared in my entire life until now. But nevertheless I headed after our staff, I've always thought CEO had secret rooms and like caves that no one could the secret code to but no. He took me to a room far up in the elevator.

It felt like my heart stoped cause I could read the expression of the staffs face telling me what kind of trouble I got myself into... it would be easier if I myself knew.

But I don't have any clue.

I don't recall opening the door, but it opened and I stoped in my tracks as the person almost bumped into me, "Sorr—" the words got stuck on my throat as Jimin came out, he- he!

He looked calm for someone meeting the CEO, and it was in that moment I almost fainted

Jimin and me? Me and Jimin?

I closed my eyes briefly thinking he would disappear but unfortunately it was to real to be a dream, I could feel him almost brush past me before saying close to my ear, "I haven't told a word," he's deep voice above my skin made me shiver and when his words reached my brain I almost breathed out of relief.

He hadn't told a word.

With that in mind I entered the silent room, the tension could cut a knife, suddenly a chair spun around like the devil on a throne, our ceo came to face.

"Yoo Jeongyeon, take a seat" his voice was even more mortifiying than I already felt, but I did not want my nervousness to be seen in my face so I took the seat he gestured in front of him

Silence again,

His eyes was pinned on me, I fidgeted with my fingers unable to hold his gaze for that long,

He cleared his throat, "Let's skip running around the bush and go straight to the topic"

The way he said it made my head snap and meet his mysterious eyes, his elbows was on the desk as he held his hands, "How badly do you want to be in a girl group?"

So badly. Every time I think of it I just imagine all the faces who never thought I could make it, it's my passion, without it I don't know where to go, but I did not say that to him, "I don't think I can explain with words how much I want it sir,"

He nodded curtly and to my surprise he suddenly placed a picture on the desk and slide it to me, my heart thumped widely in my throat when I saw the image, "I don't believe you want it badly, In fact maybe not at all," he sneered making my throat feel dry, "I- I can explain sir it is not what it seems"

"Oh really? Well I believe being in a club with another trainee is not what it seems, enlighten me dear" he crossed his arms and leaned back on his devil chair, someone must've taken it when we got our holiday, and that sent a shiver run down my spine, how foolish could I be.

Now I had to pay the price.

"Nothing happened sir, I- I shouldn't have gone to a club I know that but whatever else that you think is not true, I didn't know anything about a trainee , it was pure accidental besides we live in the same town. I was with a girlfriend"

He watched me with narrowed eyes, "Does this seem like a joke to you? You are the least person I expected to do this, you have showed us commitment and got positive feedbacks from the staffs and dance teachers, yet you know a behaviour like this can cause a scandal"

My lips were sued as I could not utter a word.

He picked up the picture and placed it back in the drawer, "Since I don't have a strong evidence on you and the big hit trainee I can't say you broke two rules, but know that it will have a price, you will exercise ten times more and have to show me how determined you are in the finals"

His sudden change of voice and seriousness brought a ease in my chest.

I bobbed my head at his words, the feeling that my life could get destroyed in a blink of eye and then be put in place again was surreal, "I will not disappoint you sir, thank you"

It felt like being interrogated for murder and I had to plead my case, but deep down I knew it was still unsolved

Someone is lurking around the corners and caught a picture of us,

If that is not a answer on why I had no doubt Jimin and me would never work I don't know what else could answer this.



A/N : sorry it had gone ages for me to update! I have a lot of others books in store and that's why I have not been able to update frequently.

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