29. I'm so screwed

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  Jeongyeon's POV

I'm a whore

Such a fucking whore

I remember begging him taking me to his home , I remember begging him to not go, I remember begging him to not stop. His hot body against mine, his kisses, his sounds. Everything.

The sheets rustled as I slowly disentangled the arm around my waist, it was firm and held a death grip making me pray he's asleep. When I succeeded I slid my leg to the side of the bed and buried my head into the palms of my hand while the other tightly gripped the sheet covering my naked body


Biting back a sob I raised my head towards the window seeing the early sun rise, it must be around 8 o clock, is this the price I get to pay for my one night of freedom?

I laughed bitterly thinking about all the conclusions that could go wrong but I decided to ignore them, how fucking ironic.

My life only seems to get messier, A hand sneaked around my waist, I was pulled back into the bed swiftly. I froze when a body hovered over mine, effectively trapping me with his arms.

"Get off me" I demanded coldly.

A smirk formed on his lips as his face roamed around mine. Does he see the panic in me? Does he see how I want to be anywhere else than here, Back into his arms?

"God morning, baby" He murmured huskily sending shivers along my veins. Don't loose your control Jeongyeon.

Before I could answer him or punch him in the guts his face disappeared into the crook of my neck and he began placing light kisses along my throat and to my jaw, I was mad at my body who continually betrayed me of how good it feels.. how good he feels. I bit my lip to stop the moan threatening from my throat.

"Get away from me!" I hissed trying to push his body away from me

It didn't bother him, how could it when he's this strong and I'm weak, "No" he murmured and continued trailing kisses over my collarbone and up to my cheek.

My hands was in fist trying to gain control and not make another mistake, like sinking into his arms and let myself be dumb again.

I closed my eyes, "Let go of me Jimin!"

His stilled

Than his face came up turning gentle, it almost made me crumble in place because I used to be so in love with this guy, even though I always acted like I never did. I was. His piercing brown captivating eyes that has a golden fleck. I remembered how I loved those eyes

Now I wanted nothing but to get away from it and his owner, "Four fucking years and you finally said my name,"

This time it was me who froze. His lips was tight searching for my face, "Get off me" I gritted feeling the panic rumble inside me.

I began to fist my hands against his shoulder, "Get off me now" I said breathlessly.

Jimin let out a sigh and moved back, I immediately slipped out of the bed and nabbed my clothes from the floor, "We have to talk
Jeongyeon.." his voice made me stop in place

"There's nothing to talk about" I bit out curly and ran my hand through my hair not caring how I look.

I darted towards the door I was one hand away from the door and when I reached it a hand slammed it close, my breath hitched as his heat was on my back, his tall and lean frame trapping me. I closed my eyes when I felt his breath over my ear, "Why out of all the people why did you stay with me?" He breathed making my body tense

Because I still am hopelessly crazy about you

  Because your the only one I can see

Because no guy ever interested me as much as you

   Because... it's you.

His hand slammed against the door making me jump startled, "Answer me.." his voice was demanding.

"I- I was drunk, okay? It was a mistake!" I blurted out regaining my control.

He laughed humourlessly, "A mistake? Back in the days and now? You fucking me last night was mistake?" I could hear the anger sizzling in his voice, how he's about to loose it like I am.

When I didn't answer he continued, "A good girl like you came here out of all the places? If I'm not correct I think it's you who can't leave they're eyes on me" His tone was cocky making my hands turn into fists, "Believe what you want now leave me alone" I bit out trying to not turn around and punch him.

Only one finger, one yet I felt like my knees would fall down as his finger trailed on my bare skin, from my arm to my wrist, "You didn't say that last night, in fact you said far opposite I want my sweet girl back" he whispered

I knew it would come

I never expected less from him, but it hurt and I know he's doing it on purpose so I won't give him the satisfaction of letting my facade drop, "You can go fuck yourself now go or I will scream murder" I threatened but It did nothing to him

"Baby you forgot one thing.... you entered wrong territory,"

"Don't call me that"

"Why? It affects you?"

I focused on murder, like hiding his body in Bermuda Triangle.. that's not a bad place I mean I heard once people went there they never returned.

He trailed his finger further down but I smacked it away, "Don't touch me,"

"Why did you leave?" He suddenly said and I stoped. I couldn't miss the agony on his voice, "You left without a word a single message and vanished from the face of earth,"

I scoffed, "And when did you ever care? I bet y'all threw a party once the freak was out of school" I muttered feeling bitter to the truth.

"That's what you thought"

"Is it well I don't care," I snapped back and suddenly I feel torn. I don't want to argue with him. I want peace, after all we're in the same entertainment world so his words will eventually affect me.

I sighed loudly, "Can we just forget about everything? I won't say anything about you and you won't say anything about me, no one will know we're in a club than"

First silence welcomed me than a husky laugh that made my insides twist, "Is it that easy for you? I bet you didn't even think about me... do you know how fucking hard it was for me to let go of you? And now after yesterday— fuck" He slammed his fist against the door making me startled again.

"I have to go" I can't let myself be weak

"Than go" he clipped, "That's what your best at, you never bother to listen you never bother to talk so get the fuck out and don't come back Jeongyeon"

The anger in his voice was breaking my walls and I don't know for how long his body hovered over mine he maybe forgot he's the one having his hand against the door but he did eventually, he let go of me and I darted out of his place

The tears poured out of me and I tried everything to not go back into his arms

How can I look him in the eyes knowing he's gonna be in the same building as me knowing I won't stop thinking about his kisses and him.

        I'm so screwed



A/N : two chapters in one day? Who am I? Lmao but you know I can't leave y'all hanging.


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