chapter 45

355 45 11

Jimin's POV

"For us to date" when those words left my mouth I watched with acid rushing through my throat, again the bitter memories of her once rejecting me came back, I gulped silently as and her once carefree face turned into stern lines, her gritting teeth being heard and I knew she would attack, "You and your sick game---" as she spurted in anger I had to hush her, "Gosh, Its not a game, jeongyeon" I covered her mouth with my palm and she bit it making me wince as I saw now my palm with bitemarks, "Will you listen to me!" I bursted

She glared dagers at me, "I wont! Now let me out, although I cant see any cameras for you to show whatever you wanted.. what will the caption be now? That your little way of making me believe with those stupid flowers---" I couldn't bear to her accusing beliefs more, and most certaintly not when my feelings were sincere, when I meant ever word, "Do you think so little of me? Gosh I know I have not set an great example from our past, but—I would never go that low and you know that" I bit out the last part, she winced and behind her cold eyes I knew she could not deny that.

We stared for what felt like ages, my heart feeling like it stopped, just waiting for her to say something more that would destroy me, "You—you mean to tell me," she trailed off and wet her lips, I tried my best to stay focused with her words, "That you want—for us to date"

"Yes satan, a date. Meaning you will be my girlfriend and I your boyfriend, you know like normal people put a label on it" and also breaking every rule I had on girls. Expect that Jeongyeon was my girl, if only her stubborn head could come to release it, "I know what It means," she snapped back making me laugh, was there anytime we could talk like civil people?

It was like every conversation we ever had was bickering, when she seemed in deep thoughts I grabbed her hands, "Cant you see it? Were like old married couple bickering"

That made a smile form on her mouth completely taking me by surprise, I held her cheeks in that state making her try to brush my hands off, "You have never smiled at me, god woman! Let me see it clearly" I squeezed her cheeks making her lips into a pout, "Don't dare" she mumbled but I acted I did not hear and dipped my head down for a peck, "Dare what?"

She glared at me, "How in the hell would I survive dating you when you cant even listen to me"

With a cheeky grin I held her waist making her stumble against me, "If I promise to listen and do anything you want.. will it mean your saying yes" I watched hopefully, like a man proposing to his wife waiting for the moment she pronounce a yes, gosh I must be truly insane.

Insane and in love—no--- that was not the right word. I was most certaintly not in love..

Her eyes sparkled with glimmer and I gulped, god I know that look. "Anything is a strong word wouldn't you say?"

"Anything in my power" I corrected.

She chuckled, "Well, then you better listen clearly"

I did and when she talked on the first rule being that we could never meet in public I nodded, even if it would be hard, it would be worth it, then the second being that I could not have her name in my contacts, a rather easy rule since I had her as Spitfire. The third was where I had to put my foot down because no way in hell would we not kiss or have skinship, "No-uh, there is no way"

She ignored me and continued on with the fourth, no packages or anything being sent, only when together. With my lips in thin line I cursed silently, but whatever it took for her to feel at ease I would do it.

I would behave as the guy she wanted, the guy of her dreams, heavens I would do it.

She suddenly patted my cheek, "See that wasn't a lot,"

"Shorthair, I hate rules, but I enjoy breaking them" I winked and before she could know what I meant I pulled her against me making me need to lean only a few centimetres down for her to reach my face, gosh how could I ever not like tall girls, with a smile on my face I kissed her again.

This time as a boyfriend, and though the whole world doesn't know.. it is enough for now.



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