Chapter 48

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Jeongyeon's POV

"Stop" I mumbled under my breath, trying to contain the overwhelming sensation in me. He was here, not a minute over the time I arrived back in Korea, how he could sneak into my hotel room was an mystery I yet hadn't the chance to ask because he was holding me closely

The warmth of his body pressed behind me as he leaned to place kisses on my neck, "Hmm" was his only respond, nipping on my neck making me feel tingly all over. His breath trailed on my skin and the tension flew out of the window taking my senses with it,

"I missed you" he suddenly said, a smile came to my face, through the reflection huge windows he could see it, "I love with when you smile"

I love you

The realisation hit me like a brick, this was what I was always scared of. I love to hard and way to fast, but it never was easy for the feelings to come, my previous relationship had been the opposite, guys never came to the level of getting emotions deep within in me. And again I wondered why it was always him. Park Jimin. A womaniser who had tons of girls chasing him.

To say those words to him was frightening, I would never. Never in a million years.

And distancing myself emotionally was a way to protect myself from hurt, damage and heartache.

But being held like this, in his embrace. I could never see any hurt coming, "I don't know what you mean," I denied, his low deep chuckles spread through my body like a fire, god what was he doing to me?

He wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me close, "We talked just hours ago," I responded to his previous statement, though I myself was counting every minute to see him, even a glance of him, "Jeongyeon.." he started


"Not an infant, Park Jimin"

"—- Do you know how hard it is to see you?" He went on and pinched my cheek. I swatted his hand away and crossed my arms, "I am busy"

"Your always busy"

"I have tight schedules"

"Fuck if I don't know that.." he grumbled and I was shocked at his curse as he went on, "your touring and becoming the biggest artist group in the world soon, your new music album is coming out.. how the hell can you fit me in that tight schedule of yours?"

A twitch of guilt came into me, how selfish I've been. He was the one contacting me, showing me how serious he was about this.. about us. And I've done nothing but drove him away. He studied me for a long time, waiting for my answer and probably waiting for me to argument

I sighed, "Your right, I'm sorry"

The once playful look on his face suddenly dropped and he sighed as well, trailing his hand through my short curls, "I didn't intend to make you feel sorry, Jeongyeon. I know you need time to sort us out, three months is not really enough for you to fall for my charms—" he pulled me tighter whispering into my ear, "My only excuse is that I miss you so much, and I want to be with you all the time"

I want to be with you as well.

"Friday" I mumbled, "Friday I get my break and yours end on Monday right? Let's meet up."

His jaw dropped and he pulled away, his gaze settled on my face with a look that made me cheeks burn hot, what have I said? Am I really—- "Your asking me out on a date?"

I nodded at his face now that had a smile that could reach his ears, I felt myself smiling. Something in his smile was contagious, hard for me contain a serious face.

"Your serious right?" he continued,


"No take backs?"

"Well if you want me to take—-"

"I already said not take backs, wench" he growled. "Yes, no take backs but that don't mean we can go freely" I said in exasperation.

He nodded as if he solved the problem, "I will rent the whole restaurant for us, the best place in town, gosh I can even dress up as barbie for it to take us to be alone"

He suddenly twirled me around so we stood face to face, and pulled me flush against him, I pressed my hands against his brick hard chest, "Wow don't you look excited?" He responded dryly, "Common I want to see my girlfriend smile. Come on give me a smile,"

I instantly glared at him,

"I asked you for a smile, babe.. not a death glare"

I sighed, "Your being ridiculous,"

Suddenly he tweaked my nose and kissed the tip in a split of second, "and you look adorable"

My lips twitched and he put his hands on my shoulder steeping back to observe me, "You smiled didn't you?"

I gave him another glare, "no"

"Yes you did"

"Your such a dork," I grumbled

"Now that's an improvement, better a dork than asshole, right?" He teased and my lips twitched yet again, he grinned and pulled me closer, he inclined his face murmured, "I love it when you smile, jeongyeon"

"Then I'll smile for you," my words were faint but he seemed to hear it, because he smiled even wider, "Thats my girl"

Then his mouth descended and he was kissing me, soundly and hotly. I let him deepened the kiss and wrapped my hands around his neck, he was holding my waist and trailed his hands all over my body,

A knock made my eyes open, with a panic I tore my lips from his, he was breathing heavily completely oblivious to what was happening.

Someone was knocking on my hotel room, "Quickly hide!" I hissed, he seemed to understand the situation just than and I couldn't watch him but heard his quick foot steps seeking a hiding place

I sprinted to the door, "Who is it?"

"Nayeon, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu" the three voices answered quick, god I couldn't use an excuse as I am changing had it been one of the staffs

No this was the girls, we have seen each other in worse circumstances.

We were sisters.. birds of a feather.

So I prayed for the best as I swung the door open, "We're ordering room service.. and since your room is biggest, we can eat here" came Chaeyoungs cheering voice.


Just great.

I gulped nervously as they entered trying to see if he was visible, well at least he was not to them because they jumped on the huge bed.

"My muscles are so damn sore! I could use a massage and hot bath," Nayeon muttered before calling for the room service.

I was biting my lip and containing the urge to let the anxiousness take over me, "Your awfully quiet.. is it the jet lag?" Chaeyoung suddenly said making them focus on me now,

I laughed awkwardly, "Yeah, I am so exhausted, seriously"

Than Nayeon smiled micheviously, "Well, what about calling in the Japanese guys? Can you believe one of them flew out here and booked close to us?"

Oh no she did not.

From the corner of my eye I caught his figure behind the curtains and I was able to see his fingers curl tightly, shut Nayeon shut up. I wanted to scream that but she only contuined even after I answered dryly.

"Loosen up a bit girl, that hot one definitely fancies you, he was asking for your number again and again—-"

And then an animalistic growl caught their attention and Nayeon flew up from the bed, Tzuyu was confused and Chaeyoung was scared for her life

I was mortified.. no I was horrified

Their eyes followed suit to the figure behind the curtain,

And just like that I was screwed



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