32. I'm sorry

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Park Jimin's POV

I mentally prepared myself for the words that would leave Namjoons mouth, "Don't say it" I bit out. He opened his mouth only to close it, I sighed watching them side by side giving me a not so pleasing look.

I fucked up big time.

And I payed the price with my body aching so bad, hell I don't even remember what happened last night. My drinking habits is coming back again, and the bruises and ribs broken is a result.

I met the eyes of 6 angry guys, and let me tell you the world is not pitting me today, In fact it is not my day at all, I sighed, "I know this is the time you would say something like, what did I tell you? And though I would rather listen on it can you save it for tomorrow" I regretted the words immediately damn it why did I have to say it like that?

It sounds nothing like what I practised to explain when I came late 6 hours past the time we were given.

Having 6 death glares at the same time could kill a human in no second, "Is our 6 months of practise nothing to you?" Namjoons voice was deadly calm but I knew it meant the opposite of calm.

He didn't get to finish his moment of lecturing me cause the door opened and we bowed immediately to show respect when our CEO entered with a bunch of staffs behind, "I see you all are here—" he stoped only to shot a disappointing glare at me, "— Remember what I told you about one for all? This is your first lessons on to never repeat it, since your fellow trainee member decided to not show up on time I deducted the stars of your performance which means you will have to work ten times more, no excuses and certainly no tardiness," His voice boomed and took over the whole room.

There's not many times I'm regretful in life, maybe cause I've never really payed consequence of it, I used to be reckless in school not caring who I hurt or not. I was simply selfish, and to me that Is my biggest regret till this day. Knowing that I'm the cause of everyone having to work harder makes the guilt fill up my whole body.

I felt my throat burn up and squeezed the emotions in me, "I'm at fault sir .. don't punish them"

"What are you implying?" Our CEO only looked blankly at me, "What I mean is I'll train hundredth times harder, day and night sir and pay up for my faults.." I finished and something flickered in his eyes, maybe at my bold determination or the fact that I did something I never done before, stood for my own actions.

He nodded curtly after a silent moment, "I suppose that's what you should do, but still a warning is a warning and I expect more from all of you" He continued.

And with that he left the room making it possible for us to breath again. The tension was still thick when he left, "A team is a team" Yoongi broke the silence making my neck snap at him in shock

He didn't even throw a wrath at me.. not even his fists.

I narrowed my eyes at them all, "This is the time you all should scream at me and lecture me why aren't you guys mad?"

I swear I could see Namjoons lips twitched as he spoke, "You said you'll practise day and night.."

Oh god

"And that equals you not having time to fool around, which than equals you never having time to repeat what you did" Yoongi finished Namjoons words and sometimes I wonder if they share the same brain cells

I knew they wouldn't hop of my back that easily, "Yeah yeah don't die of shock yet when I say this than.."

Oh god I tried, I really fucking tried. But my throat is basically allergic to that word.

It's not the end of the world.. just say it.. I repeated trying to convince myself, "alright I'm gonna say it" I muttered but it got stuck right back at my throat



How fucking hard could that word be to say a normal person would say but for a competitive and heard headed person like myself it's rather a crime to say it.

But I knew I had to eventually when they all looked at me as if I'm going insane, "Imsayingsorry" I shot out as fast as I could.

"What I didn't hear you clearly" Namjoon raised his hands to his ears making me glare at him hard. He's doing it on purpose don't let it get to you I told myself

Yoongi smiled smugly, "Yeah I didn't catch that as well, mind repeating"

Mind if I punch you— I stoped myself with that violating thought since I already have body ache from that fight last night, I took a deep breath like the last breath of salvation, "I'm sorry.."

There I said it!

They could shout to the world for all I care, I said it at least and that's what matters.


That before the jerk Taehyung laughed, "I got it on tape guys, be ready for a blackmail" He laughed like a maniac making me jump towards him and he fled like bird.

"Come back you better know whose eldest," I raised my voice and before I could catch him he circled around Jin, "Save me,"

Is it to late to take back my words?

Cause I suddenly don't feel that sorry anymore.

"Suck it up and don't forget to turn of the lamps" Namjoon threw the keys and flashlight to me since it's gonna be dark when I practise.

What's better than this to get all the headache I'm having from drinking last night, seems like it isn't all bad after all.

They didn't lie when they said it's quiet and dark in here, hell I will probably step over my own feet once or twice.

I started warming up before training for the song we're choosing, I didn't stop until sweat glistened on my body and face, taking of my shirt I let myself have my boxer shorts without taking a break I dug right back to the lesson.

I didn't realise the door had opened until another flashlight caught my eyes making me lower the volume of music in my ears, "Sorry to disturb you.." the soft voice..

I closed my eyes thinking this the last thing I need. A distraction. She's been in my mind constantly and though I pushed it far behind trying my best to not let it get to me and if not the gods above just loves me she's right here

In the same room as me.

And she hasn't even realised my presence something I held myself from laughter at her cute way of trying to see whose behind the light, "If you want to be alone I can just leave.." she trailed of and before she could do it I picked up the courage, "Don't it's only me"

It seemed only me wasn't that reassuring considering how she reacted. How can't she react that way when you've been nothing but an asshole and bullied her? The words in my head was nothing but true.. even though I never wanted to face it. Maybe cause I enjoyed being with her, I- I like her and if it isn't rejection of how she reacts I don't know what is

I laughed at the cruel way of fate is playing. The only girl I've ever wanted is running away from me.. what a laugh.

She spun around and directed the flashlight right in front of my eyes making me wince, "It's me, woman..no need to make me go blind" I groaned.

She waited for me to say something more and I frowned. That's when relievement with another emotion flickered quickly but I swore it was disappointment.


Have I missed something..



A/N : sorry for the long wait of update but I've been busy with going to work.. mentally exhausted and drained. But seems like I'm on right track again.

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