Chapter 54

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Jimin's POV

"You might regret one day" I whispered after she pulled away, her scent making it hard for me to think. Damn it, everything I believed would happen yesterday was not making me prepared for this.

For her

And especially not the way she was looking at me, "I don't care" her answer made me want to throttle her, shake her and than kiss her senselessly. How could she not understand the seriousness of what I'm saying—"baby—- Jeongyeon, I care for you. Just a scratch on you , and knowing that I could be the reason behind it— it makes me want to kill— no I won't stand for it,"

"I can protect myself!" She bursted making my anger rise, "No you can't!"

And before she could snap back I cut in, "this is not how I visioned our relationship.. but it is over"

God. Has breathing always been this hard? It kills me, I didn't know which was more, seeing her hurt or ending our relationship.

Her arms around my neck didn't loosen, I was prepared for her to push away from me. Slap me, punch me— anything. But she did neither of those things. Only looking at me hard, as if she was trying to solve something, "Is it what you want,"

I couldn't even say I never wanted to see her again, to ask what I want was a dangerous question.

In truth every since we made love yesterday I was afraid to wake up and think it was all a dream, she was spooned on my shoulder, watching her sleeping and I silently wished for the time to stop.

Realising that I was thinking I cleared my throat, "You need to be safe"

She held me captivated with her gaze and came closer than possible, "I am safe with you,"

I closed my eyes trying to hold the urge to just lean closer, my breath turned rigid. her laughter made me open my eyes just as quick, "I thought we discussed this, it is over"

"No you said it, and I don't believe you, can you even hear yourself! You wanted to be with me and now you want to break up? That easily.."

If only she knew.. if only she knew.

"you couldn't say you never wanted to see me.. and I don't want to not see you either, why are you being like this. I can see it in your eyes, feel it from your kisses.

"What I want is unimportant"

"It is important to me"

This time I groaned, "Jeongy—-"

"I love you"

I was about to say something but her words made my throat go dry, my heart slammed hard, I watched her.. and watched her..

"What did you just say" I rasped, I must've heard her wrong, she couldn't possible have said—-"I love you," her eyes was glistening and she laughed, the sound like a melody something I could never get enough of. Everything we just talked about seemed to leave my mind with her saying those words.

I held the back of her neck pulling her towards me, her nose know touching mine, "I—I" I was stuttering like a fool, she laughed even harder throwing her head back, I chuckled feeling a sudden happiness I have never felt, once again she was the source of it, "I must save this moment, people will never believe Park Jimin has been speechless,"

I held her cheek making her look directly at me, "I love you, always had" when I said those words I felt like I won a lottery, especially by the smile on her face, I held her in my embrace, 

"That's all that matters, we love each other. And someone told me once life is to short, and that person never cared." She said against my neck making me chuckle, using my words against me was something new from her, "I love you so much that I was being selfish, I wanted to be with you but I didn't see the bigger picture,"

I drew back holding her still, "you can't see it now, but once people know we will never have it private, they will follow us everywhere and anywhere.. our schedules is already packed and making it hard for us to see each other, imagine a flock of people. Not to mention that news you read, do you have any idea how I felt when I read that? My girlfriend are being searched and god knows what they plan,"

I didn't want to think of the possibilities and yet somehow, impossible I wanted to just.. be anywhere even another planet for us to be alone and free. To date like any other people, to love openly without harm coming our way

Was it that impossible to ask for?

  Yes yes yes it fucking was.

I didn't want to remember our goodbye like this, without letting her say a word I cradled her close and whispered, "Let me hold you like this.. for— for a moment"

Breathing in her scent was like holding a memory of a time that reminded me of happiness. I didn't know if I ever would feel it again, maybe in another world.

But it was more I could ask for now.

She suddenly leaned away, "You won't get rid of me this easily, whatever happens let's face it, "

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