21. Distractions

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Jongyeon's POV

Somethings never change. I learned that, how much you want to forget things it can't be changed, sometimes I wish I could enter a time machine and slap all those people in the past.

But at the same time I learnt a lot from them, not letting people step over me no more. And mostly to have respect for myself, but still the memories hurt a lot.

In the shower I let out all my thoughts, it weren't before a voice that cut it off, "Want me to scrub your back?" Sana looked at me smugly and I laughed and nodded.

It's not weird for us to shower together, we all have done it and it creates a bond between us all.

"Damn I'm so envious of your butt and chest and let's not forget your height, goshhhh" Sana sighed and I shook my head and pushed her lightly, "You can't be serious, stop your body is to die for and so is everyone's" I answered as she chuckled and rubbed my back with soap

"That's true.. all of the girls are sooo pretty"

"And so are you" I reminded her

It was comforting as we had small talks about life and music.

"Did you hear a guy from the bar wanted your number? And he tried slipping it through your bag—" she reminded me and I realised a heavy groan, "Don't even remind me of that jerk,"

She only laughed, "He's cute just admit it"

I shook my head millions time of thinking about that asshole, "Alright what is your type and don't even say you don't have one cause that's like saying dofeen shmirtz is attractive" she rolled her eyes.

I laughed at her words actually Sana loves cartoon so I didn't expect less of it, "Actually I do think dofeen shmirtz is attractive" i retorted

She pushed me chuckling, "Ha ha than I think JYP is hot"

That made me gag loudly, just imagining that is making me nauseous, "Ah! Sana why did you have to say that" I groaned as she continued rolling with laughter. Just thinking about our director makes me — okay let's not.

"Okay if you won't start telling than I can, I like tall guys... ones who can lift me up and make me feel like I'm up in heaven, I've dated guys from my country and all but I've never held a relationship longer than 2 years.... So I like more of older guys than younger" Sana said while scrubbing my back, I wonder how she can be so open about that.

For me it's totally different. I already payed the price of telling people about myself, who I like, what I do and basically all of me.

But something about this girls make me feel
warm.. like I can actually trust them.

Sana continued, "I'm dreaming right.. the perfect guy don't exist, but a girl can dream at least" she sighed and putt down the brush, "Yeah... they don't exist" I answered back and wrapped a towel around my body

She came in front of me In quick steps, "What?! You actually think that.."

  I wanted to say for me they don't exist but I bite my tongue, "No don't listen to me.." I shook my head and she shrugged, "Your not wrong, besides lots of guys contacted me from my hometown after our last competition... they couldn't do that when I were not in TV" Sana snorted as she threw on her clothes

I smiled, "They're lost"

"That we can agree on"

The day went on fast  I'm literally sweating after already taking a shower, this rehearsal is tearing me apart. I've lost so much weight, and gained muscles, that makes me feel glad at least, I'm wearing a loose crop top that showed my toned stomach and a pair of sweatpants, "Whose up for a break" Jihyo groaned and we all nodded immediately

This competition is in different groups, so it's me, Jihyo, Nayeon, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu. We all agreed to a song to prepare and the dance we had to also come up with a choreography which was though but thankfully we brainstormed and felt what was right and wrong.

I sighed feeling all my muscles aching and plopped on the ground, "Catch" Nayeon said with a bottle in her hand, "Thanks" I muttered

"Guys! Don't go all crazy but you can't believe what I heard.." Chaeyoung crawled closer to all of us whose literally dying, "It better be worth to raise my head for because I'm dying" Nayeon groaned and I agreed

"Oh it is! You know the group JYP spoke of.. telling us that he wants to cooperate with that company" She reminded us and I actually remember him saying that but isn't it way to fast? I mean we haven't even debuted so why would we cooperate with another group?

"Yeah and what has that do with us?" I asked and sat up straight feeling energised, "Well that's the thing, I heard from the staff who heard it from a worker who heard it from—" her words got cut off by Tzuyu who threw her water bottle at her, I don't know what I should laugh at the fact that the most quiet and shy person in Sixteen actually threw a bottle? Or the hilarious reaction of Chaeyoung

We all stared at her in shockment, "I'm impatient... just want you to come to the point" Tzuyu said slowly and when her words actually entered our brain we all couldn't stop the laughter, "Did—she—just" Nayeon couldn't even finish her sentence without laughing

"You guys I'm dying Chaeyoung please get to the point" Jihyo hold her stomach chuckling

"Okay fast forward I want to say that it's a boy group and I heard they're company is pretty poor so they don't have a studio... which means that they'll be here a lot from now on" Chaeyoung said and I frowned, what a boy group? In the same building as ours?

Nayeon squealed, "Gosh! I hope they're hot!"

Chaeyoung nodded, "I heard they are.. but we should find out without getting caught,"

I laughed at their crazy plan they continued speaking of, only I wasn't having the same reaction as them, Jihyo watched me, "Jeongyeon you don't like the idea of the group in our building?" She asked me and I was startled

How could she now? In fact I tried matching their energy by saying I'm excited and all that but she noticed how?

I shook my head quickly after all of them payed attention towards me, "It's just I don't want to be distracted, we have a chance to win all of us really and guys listen yes the boys might be right beside our dorm or even the same rehearsal room, still that shouldn't matter we have to win and can't be distracted, boys come and go but this chance won't" I told them and I didn't think they would agree with me cause let's face it we all are teenagers I'm older than some of them and younger than a few of them.

And Tzuyu and Chaeyoung are very young and I already feel protective over them, they can't be played around because of stupid boys.

"I really needed to hear that, your totally right. Can we all do like a promise or something?" Jihyo asked and I felt glad that she agreed with me, "For what?" Nayeon asked

"That we won't let any guy come between anything of our career. Specially those guys coming to our company, let's do pinkie promise and the one who broke it has to go through punishment" Jihyo continued and I'm already hooked. This should be a great example

I nodded, "Yes! Guys it's gonna he easy.. I bet those guys are around 30 and look like Kim Gura"

We all laughed imagining that, it felt good having this kind of talk. Because looking at them made me feel guilty, they all are so carefree and a guy could easily squash that happiness out of them and leave them with noting, I already know how that feels and trust me that also affects the performances and all.

I will personally kill that guy If it happens.



who do you think is the boys;)?

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