Chapter 55

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Jeongyeon's POV

He held my face and looked at me deeply, "Are you sure,"


"We will get criticised,"

She chuckled, "I know,"

"The fans—-"

"I know," she sighed making me drew her close, god was it even possible to be this complete, "I love you, and we will get through it together," I whispered before kissing her soundly.

Suddenly my phone rang making me groan against her mouth, "I have to take this call," I told before answering it,

"Where are you? We have practice" It was Namjoon and damn I forgot, "I will be there in a sec," From the corner of my eye I could see Jeongyeon frown, "It's the boys, I have practice" I told her quickly

She nodded, "I need to head out myself,"

Before she could go I held her hands seeing her frown, "Are you already having back thoughts?"

She shook her head slowly, "No.. it is just that I feel happy,"

I knew exactly what she meant, it felt overwhelming, with a smile I caressed her cheek, "Your not alone, let's meet after this, I want to take you out properly"

"I would love that"

Looking at her made me forget the time and when I realised I haven't even moved I let go of her hands and pressed a quick kiss to her lips before heading into the shower, "No don't go yet" I sulked seeing her head to the door

I wanted to have breakfast with her, "You know I can't be seen in your house"

"Why not? We're making it official" I stated the obvious.

She looked at me deadpan, "Now the Jimin I know is back, I knew you would say something like this."

I laughed at that, "What? People should really not have that thoughts, I mean we could've eaten and hung up why does people have such thoughts?"

"But we didn't," was her bold reply. I smirked and sent her a wink, "No we didn't.. we stayed all night and made love—-" before I could continue teasing her she threw the nearest pillow at me, "Your impossible!"

"And you love me,"

I could hear her groan and mutter, "Unfortunately" before she slammed the door shut.

Cold hearted woman, she left without giving me a proper kiss.

Laughing into the shower the smile seemed not to leave my face, I looked like a fool in the mirror. And now I have to plan what to surprise her with for our official date.

Her birthday is tomorrow and since I won't be able to see her until next week because of our trip to America I will have to spend as much as I can with her.

Just imaging her face made me smile again.

Heading out of the shower the boys called me once again, "I am there soon," I told them, god why am I so great at being late?

I do it so effortlessly.

Throwing on a pair of grey sweatpants and a shirt I headed out of my apartment and dialled my agency. Just imagining their reaction when I tell them tell the press I am dating Jeongyeon made me hold back my laughter,

"WHAT!" My ceo practically shouted and I chuckled silently, "You heard me, she is my girlfriend and my responsibility not yours," to say that made me breath properly, I wanted to take responsibility to call her mine, to show her what she means to me, I wanted that.

He seemed to understand my determination, when I have my mind set no one can make me change it, "Understood, I will tell the press"

I hung up and parked the car, the boys was outside and I expected shouts and scowling but they only gave me blank faces, "What's up? Have y'all seen aliens or what?"

Namjoon crossed his arms, "Don't you have something to tell us?"

I cursed mentally, how could I call the agency without telling the boys. "You guys are mad, and have all right to be, but I was about to tell you guys,"

There was a silent moment before Jhope asked, "Who is it?, who is the person who broke your three weeks rule,"

"I would like to meet her," Taehyung jumped in,

They were all throwing snarks and mocking me and while I would been annoyed to lose on my own words it only made me laugh, "She is a remarkable woman.." I trailed off

"Would you tell us who she is?" Jin snapped impatiently

"Jeongyeon," I told and contuined when they all their mouth hung open, "And no I won't let y'all meet her for all you dorks to ambush her,"

"Wait! So your telling me Suga was right for five years all this fucking time!" Jhope bursted like he couldn't believe it and I wondered what the hell he meant by that, Suga shrugged like nothing surprised him.

"Can you all explain to me what the hell your talking about,"

Jhope patted my shoulder, "You have been in love without even knowing it, just that we knew it this whole time,"

"And Suga saw you five years ago when we were trainees, you had your phone open and he saw your messages, somehow he connected the puzzles and knew you liked her all along," Jhope barked a laugh.

So it wasn't a surprise to them after all? And I who was prepared for all their mocking

"Your whipped, big time" Taehyung said

"He's in love, or was it not a waste of time you said?" Namjoon said

"No he said precisely only a fool is in love," Jin continued.

Have I said how much I want to kill them some days?



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