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~Female Reader~

This was a request by @K_vio24

A/N: Beni might be a bit OOC



I took a deep breath as I exited Company Seven, the air was crisp and fresh and the cool breeze lightly grazed my face.

"Perfect conditions for a training day" I thought. "Wonder if Benimaru would like to join me, after all, I need the practice"

A small smile graced my lips at the thought of him, not only was he my superior, but my crush. For months now I've hidden the fact that I have feelings for that man. But alas, my façade was soon torn down when Konro found out, and from then on has been attempting to set me and Beni up, claiming that he returned those feelings. I never believed him of course, but there was a small part of my mind that wished it was true.

After awhile I decided to go and ask him myself, i was the only one who trains with him after all, the rest of the company were just pussies. As I was just about to go out looking for him the familiar heat of flames rushed past me, curious, I looked around the corner of the company's building and saw a fickle flame reach out beyond the wall. I immediately recognised it, that was Benimaru's.

"He must be doing some meditation" I thought. I was about to turn on my heels to leave and come back at another time when I heard a monotonous voice call out to me,

"its alright Y/N, we can train in a minute"

"what? how the hell did he know?" I pondered on that thought for a moment until I felt a presence behind me, it was Beni. I swiftly turned round, quite shaken as to how he could predict my thoughts.

"How'd you know I wanted to train?" I commented smirking as I did so, "is there any other powers that I don't know about other than pyrokinesis?"

"Nah, I can read you like a book Y/N"

Benimaru suddenly swung his fist at my face, I reacted quickly, ducking my head the exact moment he threw the punch, I stumbled back slightly. I then started my attacks, I attempted to kick him in the face, but he caught my leg and abruptly threw me over his shoulder, making me land on the ground with a thud. My head was pounding from the impact, but I refused to give up. I forced myself up, staring him dead in the eyes. at that time I thought that id at least got a hit on him, but sadly, he was unscaved. Benimaru kept on looking at me with this weird expression, sympathy? Anger? Worry? i was snapped out of my daydreaming by a sudden shift in presence. Beni was gone?

"he's was not in front of me so that means-"

my eyes widened, before i had time to react, Benimaru had already placed me in a head lock. I was so surprised that i forgot to even breathe. i soon regained my composure and i put all of my weight and effort into pushing forward and ultimately, flipping him over. It took all of me not to buckle under the weight, but i eventually did it. Benimaru was laying on the floor, caked in dust, giving me a half hearted smile which made my heart flutter. I smiled slightly, before collapsing on the floor, my vision slowly fading as my chest heaved to get a full breath in. It wasn't until a few moments later that I knew something wasn't right, and I then began to pass out.

Beni POV

I was still lying on the floor, breathing heavily after mine and Y/Ns training, well it wasn't a training per say, just a little fighting. I was actually surprised at the fact that they were able to lift me, not that i thought they were weak or anything. i rolled over to get onto my feet when i saw Y/N was unmoving.

"well shit-" i thought.

I went over to them,  kicking them with my foot slightly incase they were playing around. But then i noticed that wasn't working so i ended up picking the up and taking them inside to rest, it was probably overexertion, nothing serious.

Laying them down on the floor, i heard Konro walk in to the room,

"Is that Y/N? Are they  okay Waka?"

i subtly nodded my head, and told him it was just fatige, he nodded his head briefly.

"y'know you better tell them soon, knowing their impulsiveness they'll be gone before you do" Konro warned.

"Yea i know, i doubt they wants me back though..." i trailed off.


I slowly started to stir when i heard Konro walk in, i pretended to sleep because well, i was nosey and my head still hurts.

"yea i know, i doubt they want me though"

At that pointI began to open my eyes, the two men jumped out of their skin when they saw me awake, and Konro promptly left the room, giving us a knowing look. Poor Beni looked like he was going to faint.

"Heyyy" I awkwardly whispered.

He looked at me with fear in his eyes,


"How long was I out for?" I questioned, sitting up a bit.

"Eh, only an hour or so"

We sat there in uncomfortable silence until I decided to speak;

"Um, I heard what you and Konro were talking about and-"

I was cut off by feeling a warm pair of lips on mine. My eyes widened and I soon returned the gesture. We stayed that for a few more minutes before we had to pull away for air.

"- I feel the same.." I whispered, blushing slightly.

"Good." Benimaru started,

"So what does this mean?"

He looked at me with a slight smile and says,

"I guess I'm your boyfriend now, if that's what you want?"

"Sure, I'd love that" I smiled, looking down at our now entwined hands.

"Cool" he replied.


Shinmon Benimaru Imagines. (Requests open 13/3/23) Where stories live. Discover now