Companies Meeting (Part One)

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~ Female Reader ~

Me, Konro and Benimaru walked in silence as we walked towards our seats. Today was the meeting of all of the Fire Force Capitains, and I hated it.

Normally company 7 would never go to these sort of events but this time we made an exception   due to Asakusa being attacked and more due to the fact that we were practically ordered to with the added threat of loosing our supplies and equipment.

As soon as we sat down, I could feel eyes boreing into me which I expected. Me and the other company's don't get along at all. They think I'm just a psycho who overuses their pyrokenesis on purpose to inflict harm on everyone, that's part of the reason why they also locked me up in a mental hospital for a month before I busted out. Since then I've never wanted to come into contact with them again, fearing that I'd somehow end up being chucked in there again.

After a short while of nothing,
" Oh My God, will you shut up about this whole God nonsense" Benimaru commented.

It was then that I started to get restless, but I was tipped over the edge when Company 2's Capitain said his name backwards. He knew we hated that.

"Shut the fuck up and let my husband speak you fucking asshole."

I was suddenly met with a flurry of angered voices, mainly from the companies but there was a quite stern warning by Konro which I ignored.

I couldn't really focus on the exact phrases that were being thrown at me, but one that stuck out was from none other than Gustav;

"You have no right speaking to me like that! You psychopathic woman!"

It was then I snapped.

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