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~Gender Neutral Reader ~
Benimaru's POV

I sighed as I wandered aimlessly around the guardhouse, bored out of my mind. Occasionally I would peek through the door of mine and my partners shared room- in which they were currently sleeping.

Granted, it had been a while since they had gotten a good amount of sleep, due to the frequent infernal and white clad attacks but still, this was ridiculous.

Y/N needed to be awake soon, after all, we all need to get some paperwork and all sorts of boring shit done since we procrastinated for the past couple of weeks. After an additional hour of waiting around, I decided I needed to take this into my own hands.


I was content lying between the sheets of my bed, nothing was bothering me and I had nothing that I really needed to do. 

That was until I felt a light slap on my cheek.

And then again.

And then again.

I cracked open an eye to see the annoyed face of my boyfriend intently staring at me- while of course slapping my face.

I groaned at him, before trying to turn away but he had other ideas. All of a sudden I was lifted from the comfort of the bed and was slung over his shoulder, exposing Benimaru's  shirt in which I had slept in the night prior.

It wasn't long before I was placed on the wooden floors outside our room, my body limp as I slumped against the wall, fighting off sleep once again.

I actually opened my eyes this time to once again see Benimaru kneeling in-front of me, looking  at me, a stoic expression adjourned his face.

I yawned and looked at him, then I struggled to my feet and stretched. I leaned into him and kissed his shoulder lightly, before whispering;

"If you ever pull that shit again, I will fucking rip your dick off"

Calmly, I wandered over to the bathhouse to get ready, leaving Benimaru angry and kinda intimidated.

A/N: sup, I know it's been a while, but I don't know what to do with this book , since fire force is getting a new season soon things should perk up a bit but I can't promise anything. Hope you enjoy this lil installation :)

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