Fire and Fistfights (Final Part)

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Prompt #10: "Am I supposed to be scared of you?"

This is like, quite bad so again, apologies.

~Gender neutral reader~

"Fire and fistfights are the flowers of Edo huh?"

Just as we were about to start, a loud voice echoed throughout the town;


I groaned, cursing the infernal that decided to show up now, preventing me from putting this little brat in his place.

I again looked behind me as Benimaru started to walk towards the door, I quickly followed suit, giving Shinra a cold stare as I went past.

When I got outside, I noticed the plumes of black smoke erupting from the buildings infront of us. Walking over to my husband, I asked him who had turned. He concluded that it was Kantaro, the guy that normally nags him for drinks. I nodded before grabbing a Matoi flag and striking it alight with my 2nd gen abilities.

Looking over at Beni, i slyly asked;

"You coming?"

He shook his head dismissively before replying;

"Shut up"

He eventually made his way towards me and hopped on to the flag, making it instantly shoot off to the scene.

-Time Skip 'Til after-

After we had put to rest Kantaro, me, Company 7 and Benimaru began the clean up. I was helping a fire soldier lift some pallets when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Shinra, looking at me with disgust.

"Y'know just because you're helping rebuild the town doesn't mean you didn't just destroy it"

Shocked, I put down the pallet and fully turned to face him. I again got down to his level, before whispering;

"Am I supposed to be scared of you?"

I laughed a little as his expression dropped, but it wasn't until I turned around until I realised why.

Benimaru was standing behind me, arms crossed looking down on me. I froze. Looking up, I gave him a nice smile before saying;

"Oh, hey Beni"

He didn't say anything after that, but I did realise that Shinra had scampered off somewhere. I sighed;

"You really have to take the fun out of everything dont you?" I pouted, folding my arms exactly like him. Unexpectedly, his face softened a tiny bit and he patted me on the head affectionately.

"Yeah, I guess I'm a buzzkill" he smiled.

"Fuck yeah you are"

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