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Prompt #3: "Don't make me come over there myself!"
~ Gender Neutral Reader ~

A tense aura spread around Company 7 as my boyfriend trudged outside to train, wincing as he reached up to fix his uniform.

Earlier on in the week, while dealing with an infernal, he pulled a muscle in his shoulder, leading to an intense pain every time he moved it. Of course, being the unemotional man he is,Benimaru refused any sort of rest or treatment as he claimed that it would sort itself out. Sure enough, it hasn't as of yet.

I took his word for it for now, waiting for the perfect opportunity to force him to stop. I watched as he flawlessly conducted his flames, but a flash of pain would wipe accords his face every now and again. As time passed, the pain started to look more frequent, his fire getting weaker by the minute.

I decided enough was enough. I stood up from where I was sitting, a scowl on my face and called out;

"Chill the fuck out will ya'"

He stopped for a moment and looked at me, a bored expression still resting on his face;

"No." He replied, before trying to continue with his training.

I stared at him blankly, if this guy wasn't going to help himself, then I was going to have to do it for him.

"Don't make me come over there myself and force you down" I shouted, a hint of anger in my voice.

My boyfriend looked at me for a second, his eyes growing wider as I bore into him. I could be very persuasive when I need to be, and he knew that first hand.

A few moments passed before he caved. He put out the fires and solemnly walked over to me, his head down like a small puppy.

He sat down next to me before resting his head on my shoulder. I patted his head before slowly getting up for some medicine;

"Do you want some meds?" I said, looking back at my sulking partner.

"No." He muttered. Looking at the floor again.

I laughed as I went to get them anyway. But as I left I whispered;

"You're so fucking stubborn, I love it"

Shinmon Benimaru Imagines. (Requests open 13/3/23) Where stories live. Discover now