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A/N: I don't know if this is the type of thing you wanted, but I tried :)

Requested by @Sheireen2003

Prompt #5 "Your eyes are cool"

~ Gender Neutral Reader ~
My eyes grew heavy as we finally reached Asakusa. Company 8 was on our way to meet Capitain Shinmon Benimaru in order to ask for permission to search their jurisdiction. We suspected that a potential Evangelist attack was imminent,  therefore we have to flush them out as soon as possible.

After a while of walking, we came across Company 7's guardhouse. Almost immediately, Capitain Obi walked through the entryway, making our presence known.

"Pardon the intrusion but we're already here"

It was then that I saw him. Capitain Shinmon Benimaru himself. He was calmer than I expected him to be, with his heavy eyes and unruly black hair made him seem like a normal person- not a destroyer god.

I barely listened to his and Obis conversation, but I was pulled back into it when Shinra started to insult him.

" Capitain Shinmon is that right? I hear your the strongest soldier around. From what I've been told it's because your so tough that your towns fire bregade was brought into the force. Well I'm a tough guy too. I'm going to kick your ass and make you see things my way"

After that little speech, I couldn't not laugh. Everyone turned and looked at me as I began to speak;

"Jesus Christ Shinra, you really are a fucking idiot. Chill out dude"

Shinra looked taken aback by my statement, but I could see Benimaru smile a little at my action. I could feel butterflies in my stomach, before telling myself it was nothing and ignoring it.

~Time Skip 'till after Kantaro ~

Me and the rest of Company 8 were standing around talking when we suddenly heard lots of yelling and explosions. I looked at everyone, them being as confused as me, before running in the direction of the noise.

When we arrived there, Capitain Obi and Lieutenant Hinawa were fighting none other than Capitain Shinmon. Shocked, Shinra and Arthur immediately started to fight, using all of their strength to fight. I hanged back a little, kind of worried that I'd get caught in the crosshairs, and sure enough, i did.

When I wasn't looking, Benimaru had flung Shinra across the street, towards the lake. Just when I turned around, I saw him barrelling towards me but before I could react, my vision went black.

~Time Skip~

I slowly started to wake up when I heard talking beside me. Squinting, I could make out a shape of someone looking towards the doorway, with a bowl of water and a cloth in their hands. I jolted up when I realised who it was. Fully turning to him, I could see his red eyes looking at me. Not knowing what to say, I stuttered out;

"Your eyes are cool"

He smiled a little; "Thanks, I guess" he replied.

That was the moment I knew we would be together for the rest of our lives.

Shinmon Benimaru Imagines. (Requests open 13/3/23) Where stories live. Discover now