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A/N: Little Long

Prompt #7 "Where the fuck have you been?"

TW: Blood
~ Gender Neutral Reader ~

I stumbled back to the Company 7's guardhouse, bloody and overheated. Blood was  streaming down my face and onto the dirt path below me. My eyes burned as I passed each streetlight, getting closer to home.

When I eventually got through the entryway, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw my boyfriend waiting on the steps before me.

Benimaru looked at me, shock written all over his face. He immediately stood up and made his way towards me.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He questioned, as he grabbed my face before examining it closely.

"I was at the Tavern, and some brats don't know when to keep their mouths shut"

He sighed before walking away and digging out a medical kit, and came back towards me.

"Sit" he ushered, as he began cleaning up my broken face.

I looked down slightly as Benimaru dabbed at my injuries, the pain searing through my body with each touch.

"So, now tell me, how did you break your face"

I looked up at him before sighing;

"Well, these guys were just being assholes. They were disrespecting us n' shit, but then they realised that I was behind them." I winced as he put some rubbing alcohol on a deep cut on my cheek.

"So then they started to like taunt me, saying I can't fight and I only have a high status because of you. I got pissed and beat the absolute shit out of them, obviously they fought back"

As one final precaution, he quickly put a hand to my forehead and sighed;

"You got overheated on me? Jesus, who am I gonna train with now" he whined playfully. I laughed, being careful not to reopen any fresh wounds.

Benimaru stopped and looked at me closely, seeing if he didn't miss anything, before gently picking me up and making his way to our bedroom.

He placed me down on our bed before sitting beside me, wrapping an arm around me. I sighed as he did so, my body was aching and all I needed was sleep.

We quickly settled down, my head in his chest listening to his heartbeat for a while, before I went to sleep, all I heard was Benimaru muttering;

"Your an idiot"

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