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Kinda OOC Benimaru?
~Gender Neutral Reader~

Third Person POV:

The two lovers slept side by side in their shared bed, the pair's limbs jutted out from beneath the blankets as they tossed and turned in their sleep. It was all peaceful up until Y/N stirred, they felt a sudden weight position itself onto their chest. They slowly opened their eyes to find their boyfriend, Benimaru, resting his head in that very spot. His long black hair sprawled out in all directions, some pieces tickling Y/N's neck as he breathed.

They sighed softly before carefully moving their arm up towards the sleeping man. They began to trace the features of his face, his forehead, his nose, his lips until he too began to stir. His red eyes slowly opening just enough to see who was rousing him from his sleep like this, he groaned as he realised who it was.

"Go away I'm sleeping" he muttered, his words muffled by his position on Y/N's chest.

They laughed slightly before replying;

"Yeah? Well move if you want me to go away"

Benimaru sighed yet again as he buried his head deeper into his lovers chest, not even bothering to acknowledge that he was in the wrong. Y/N gave another laugh and kissed the top of his head slightly, his unruly hair brushing against their face. He smiled at the action, before trying to sleep again. But that was interrupted when Y/N pointed something out;

"Hey, did I just get the badass, unemotional Shinmon Benimaru to smile?" Their face lit up with amusement at their partner, whom they have been dating for 3 years now.

Benimaru huffed; "No. No you did not, stop lying and go back to sleep" he then rolled off of Y/N's chest slowly and positioned himself at the opposite side of the bed. Y/N pouted slightly before rolling towards him.

"Aww don't you love me anymore?" They teased, already wrapping their limbs around their boyfriend like a koala would a tree.

I'm response, he quietly whispered; "tch, you know I love you dumbass"

Y/N smiled as they pulled him closer, before replying;

"I love you too"

Shinmon Benimaru Imagines. (Requests open 13/3/23) Where stories live. Discover now