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A/N: I've become obsessed with The Phantom of the Opera so here's a Beni x Scarred reader, kinda short but still pretty proud of this ngl

~GN reader ~

Freak. Weirdo. Abomination. These were the words that were continually thrown at me as I walked through the streets of Asakusa. I held my black hood again my face tightly, combatting the gusts of wind threatening to reveal my horrid face.

My shoes echoed across the cobblestones, aching to get home and escape.

Afew years ago, I was out fighting some infernal when my flames went rogue and backfired onto the left side of my face. It left me badly burned with rough and raised scars going across it and led to my eye having to be removed leaving an empty, black socket, reminding me of my failures.

But through all of this, he was there. My light in the darkness, my saviour. He never cared about my disfigurement, he loved me for who I became.

Some time goes by and I finally reach the steps of Company 7, sighing in relief as I took down my hood. Taking off my shoes, I trudged to mine and Benimarus room, itching to feel him again, to feel the warmth of his body with mine.

As I opened the door, Benimaru is sitting on the bed. He immediately rises apon my return, a small smile flickering across his face. I smile back, trying to hide the pain and shame I felt inside.

But he saw right through me.

I was then engulfed by muscular arms, and felt a head in the crook of my neck. I relaxed slightly, inhaling his scent. No words were spoken, but that was okay, I knew in that moment that I was safe. I was loved.

I was home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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