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S/c: Skin Colour
Warnings: Mentions of mental health and depression.

A/N: I'm alive 😀


I felt numb. My whole body felt heavy as I laid in my bed motionless. Not even caring to tend to the continuous and frantic knocking at the shared bedroom door.

Eventually, the door opened and lit the dark room with light as the concerned face of my boyfriend Benimaru peered in. I stared at him blankly, barely acknowledging his tense features.

Without a word, he sighed and slowly made his way into the bed with me, moving the blankets exposing my s/c skin which has been deprived of sunlight for days now. Gently, he pulled me into him so I was laying my head on his chest.

"Is it bad again?" He whispered, knowing what the answer would be.

I nodded silently, with tears now brimming in my eyes and streaming down my cheeks onto his crisp white shirt. Benimaru sighed again before reaching his hand up and stroking my head, knowing it calms me down.

"I just want you to know that you never have to pretend with me. Not ever. It's okay to have bad days, and when you do, just know that I will always be by your side"

After he said that, I broke.

I sobbed into his neck, holding onto him like my life depended on it. All the while he laid still, his arms enveloping me underneath the sheets.

After I'd calmed down a bit, we laid in silence, Beni mindlessly drawing shapes into my soft skin. I was drifting off to sleep, until I heard a soft whisper;

"You will always be loved when I'm around Y/N. I promise."

After he said that, I finally felt my heart start up again.

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