Blame (Part 1)

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The reader is Shinra and Sho's Sibling, and Shinra has always blamed them for the fire that killed their mother because they were the older one and the one with 2nd and 3rd gen abilities, because of this, they haven't seen or heard from each other since.

~Gender Neutral Reader~

Third Person POV:

It was a calm day in Asakusa, the sun was beaming, the sky was clear, and the sound of the busy streets rang out across the town.

In Company 7 guardhouse however, things were far from calm. Company 8s rookies were meant to be coming round for specialised training by Y/N and Benimaru, but the problem was, they had no idea what level of strength they're at or what gen of pyrotechnics they were.

"What the fuck are we going to do!" Y/N shouted as they paced through the halls of the guardhouse, pulling at their H/L hair.

"Will you calm down?" Benimaru chimed, "we'll figure out what to do when they are there, but I think you should take it easy, how about you go to the market and buy some food? You know it helps when your like this"

He walked over to his lover, placing his hands on their shoulders rubbing small, comforting circles before patting their head and going outside to prepare.

Y/N reluctantly walked out from the cloth door, and left towards the bustling marketplace.

Not knowing what would be waiting when they returned.

Benimarus POV:

Just as I heard Y/N leave, I breathed a sigh of relief,

"thank god they left, who knows what sort of state they would been in if they carried on"

As I was finishing up the training grounds, I went back inside the guardhouse and was met with two teenage boys peering through the door. It immediately clicked that these were the two that were from Company 8, and I promptly began the training. I swiftly hid in a corner, out of sight, and once they walked in, I placed a wooden stake across the black haired ones neck.

"In a real fight you would have been dead"

The boy looked at me with surprise, I couldn't help but notice he looked like Y/N, I need to bring that up with them later.

~Time Skip~


I made my way back to the guardhouse after I had eaten, and the distinctive smell of ash filled my senses. I sighed in content as i neared closer, the smell growing stronger and stronger as I reached the door.

I walked round inside and looked around, everything was normal, except from the fact that Beni wasn't anywhere to be seen. But my suspicion ended there as I heard a loud yell outside, I walked it onto the training grounds and saw him training with the rookies.

"Oh cool, they're here" I thought, until I saw someone that made my blood boil.

Shinra Kusakabe

Shinra was my brother, and ever since the fire that killed our mother, he has always hated me. He was under the impression that I had caused it, as I was a dual pyrokenetic, and because of this I was placed under the care of Hijima when I was 16. He never tried to contact me after that, It was like I didn't exist to him.

This was the first time I've seen him in all those years, he's obviously gotten taller, and his hair was now grown out, but he was definitely my brother.

I got teary-eyed at the thought, but the tears of sadness soon turned to those of anger.

I waited for them to stop for a moment before I came out of the building. Once they did, I stormed out towards him ignoring Benimaru as he greeted me, and grabbed him by the neck, slamming him against the nearest wall.

"Im going to fucking kill you." I seethed.

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