Blame (final part)

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Sorry if this doesn't live up to standard, sometimes I can't put my thoughts into words 😅

TW: heavy angst? Maybe some gore?

"I'm going to fucking kill you" I seethed.

Shinras look of shock soon turned to anger as he realised who I was. His eyes looking up at me with pure hatred.

"Yeah, I'd expect nothing less from you Y/N" Shinra muttered as he struggled to get out of my grip.

I gritted my teeth as I tightened my grip around his neck, his breathing became increasingly ragged as his chest heaved, desperately trying to get oxygen.

"10 fucking years. You left me to be tortured! Now all you care about is how you want to be a fucking hero? That's fucking bullshit and you know it!" I screamed.

Shinra looked at me with fear in his eyes. Like he did all those years ago when our house burnt to the ground, our mother along with it. 

"Did you know how worried I was when you got taken from me, that night at the house? 'Cuz it seems like you don't give a shit" I shouted, my eyes glowing as I released him.

But before I could do anything, Benimaru took my legs out from underneath me and pinned me to the ground, my face somewhat pushed against the dirt. I thrashed to try and get out of his grip, but he wouldn't let up.

"What the fuck Beni?" I said, my voice muffled against the floor.

"I'm sorry love, but you need to calm your shit, your going to kill him if you carry on this way" he insisted, still holding my hands against my back.

Tears now flowing down my face, I looked up at my brother with a slight smile as he started to wheeze uncontrollably, his hand holding his neck where there was now a raw and bleeding burn mark the shape of a hand.

"He finally got what he deserved" I thought.

Eventually I'd calmed down enough that Benimaru let me go. I instantly crawled over  to Shinra, grabbing a fistful of his hair, and said to him;

"Now you get the fuck out of Asakusa while you still have the chance" I whispered, pushing him further into the floor.

I got up and I watched as he scrambled against the floor, his friend Arthur behind him. I went back to Benimaru, not saying anything, and I watched as my brother left me again, this time, for good.

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