You Have A Kid?

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Not the best I apologise.
~Female Reader~


"So tired" I thought as I dragged my weary feet towards the wooden cot in the middle of mine and Benimaru's bedroom.

As I got closer to the cot, the cries of C/N seemed to cease, I picked them up and held them close to my chest as I attempted to sooth the infant. Benimaru was out at this time, training the brats from Company 8, so here I am on baby duty. As the cries came to a stop, I looked down and C/N was fast asleep, I sigh of relief left my lips as I placed the baby back in their cot and walked towards the window. I peered out and briefly saw someone fly across the floor, presumably one of the boys, I laughed softly, I knew he could be a bit rough with his trainees but it was for their own good.

I looked back to C/N checking that they were fully settled before I exited the room and went to go and ask Konro to switch with me.

I found him in the guardhouse sweeping the floor, the rhythmic sound calming me as I trudged towards him. He must have heard me coming as he quickly turned around and gave me a small smile.

"He's not going to be happy with you" Konro sang teasingly, I laughed and replied;

"Well, he doesn't control me and I feel okay, I'm sure I can deal with him"

I was meant to be on bed rest, as I had just given birth 4 weeks ago but still, I felt fine to move around and the feeling sorry for myself was over with. It was time for me to get back up and running.

"God, you two are so stubborn it's unreal, I'll watch C/N for you"

I smiled and gave him a nod, before walking outside to the training grounds. The distinct roar of flames flooded my ears as I was etching closer, the adrenaline coursing through my veins at the thought of a good fight.

When I stepped up onto the platform, I could see Benimaru's flames, but strangely, not him. This confused me greatly until he came round the corner, walking backwards as the two teen boys continuously attacked him. I took a seat and carried on watching as the flames danced in the air, forming so delicately in his palms then being harshly dispersed in several directions.

A monotone voice broke me out of my trance, and I realised that Benimaru was no longer there, but he was kneeling directly in front of me.

"I thought I told you to stay in bed, you need to rest"

"Beni, it's been 3 weeks now, I'm not as fragile as I was and I can move around, you don't have to worry about me"

He smiled, before asking, "how is C/N?"

"Eh they're okay I guess, very boring but as good as a newborn can be, their sleeping right now, thankfully"

"That's good then"

Our conversation was cut short by a feeble voice calling out;

"Capitain Shinmon? You have a kid?"

I looked at the boy and smiled, but stoped when I realised that Beni was getting agitated.

"Hey, chill out, he can ask. Now, answer him nicely" I chided.

He sighed, and then replied, "yes I have a kid, now can we stop invading my personal life and get back to training?"

The boy didn't even get a chance to sigh before he was kicked across the face, sending him flying into a nearby pile of scrap wood. I laughed as They continued, and watched in awe at my boyfriend.

"God I'm lucky" I thought as I made my way back inside to our child.

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