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Thank you to @Kayla1754 for this prompt- sorry if it isn't executed that well lol
Female Reader


It was that time again, the visitation of Company 8. Recently, the company has been vistsing Asakusa on business, scouting out for these so call "Evangelists"
and every time, it's a bloody chore.

I was standing in the kitchen preparing some food, humming mindlessly when I felt hand around my waist.

"You're cute when you cook" I heard the monotone voice of my partner Benimaru.

I giggled before finishing up and placing the items in the oven. Turning to face him, I placed my arms around his neck loosely, before lightly kissing his nose.

"Why thank you my love"

He scrunched his face before turning away and walking towards the deck. I poured before calling out;

"Awe someone's grumpy"

He let out a "tch" before replying;

"No I'm not, and besides, those bozos from Company 8 are here- can't leave Konro to suffer alone"

I hummed in agreement before taking off my apron and following close behind him, trying to keep up with his long strides.

Eventually, we was greeted by Capitain Obi and the rest of his group, who also came over to greet us. By the time we had greeted them all, Arthur and Shinra came over to me, beaming.

"Well hello boys" I called, "what's got you in a good mood?"

They looked at eachother, grinning, before Shinra finally answered;

"Because we get to have some of your kick ass cooking miss y/n!" He exclaimed, Arthur nodding in agreement.

"Your cooking brings me deep and profound joy my princess" Arthur added.

I laughed awkwardly before explaining that it was almost ready and they didn't have to wait that long.

- time skip -

After we all had eaten and spoken for a while, it was time for them to go on their way back to the city. Before they left, I saw Arthur make his way towards me, a determined look on his face- I worriedly looked to find Benimaru, but alas he was nowhere.

It wasn't because I was afraid of him, it was because Arthur had been getting increasingly flirty with me the whole day and it was begging to piss me off- something I don't feel regularly.

As he sauntered over, propping himself up on the wall infront of me, he began to speak;

"So I guess this is goodbye princ-"

I swiftly cut him off my lifting him and slamming him against the wall by his collar, his eyes widened in shock- and brimmed with tears.

"Never call me that again or I'll snap your neck like a toothpick"

I whispered, before dropping him quickly and watching him scamper towards the Matchbox and hide behind Shinra. Not long after that, they were gone.

Making my way inside the guardhouse, I was stopped by Benimaru asking;

"Hey, what did you do to that Arthur kid? I saw him running- you didn't scare him did you?"

"Oh Beni, I'm way too innocent for that don't you think?" I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Benimaru chuckled before smiling and kissing my head;

"Sure you are"

Shinmon Benimaru Imagines. (Requests open 13/3/23) Where stories live. Discover now