Love Bites (mature)

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A/N: I can't decide whether i love or hate this one...
~Gender Neutral Reader~


I stirred as I awoke to the faint sound of snoring coming from my boyfriend, Benimaru. I tolerated it for awhile but I grew annoyed and huffed as I sat up and chucked my pillow at his face.

"Stop. It." I said in a hushed tone trying to conserve any type of sleep I still had.

He did stop and before he pulled the pillow off his face he said;

"That's not what you said last night"

I froze and looked at him, his unruly black hair now even more messed up by the pillow and his smug little face stared back at me.

I scoffed, partly because it was true and because it was too early for his shit. I got up and started to get ready for the day, taking extra care to cover any marks that were left over from last night.

As for Benimaru...he didn't think that far ahead...

~time skip~

It was halfway through the day and Shinra and Arthur came over for some extra combat training. As they were doing their thing outside, prepared some food for everyone. Making my way outside, I placed the tray down on the deck where Shinra, Arthur and Benimaru were resting. Almost immediately after I stood up, the twins lept onto it like they have been starved for days.

I laughed a little before Benimaru sighed and lifted up the tray out of their reach to allow the boys to take some. In doing so, his undershirt lifted up slightly, revealing a trail of love bites along his stomach.

Everyone went silent.

My face was bright red as I stared at my boyfriend, both knowing what had just happened.

"Are they—"

"Shut up"

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