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A/N: Bit of a short one but - Im alive 💁‍♀️✨

I was awoken by the smashing of glass against the wooden floor outside mine and my boyfriends bedroom.

I jolted up, throwing the covers off of my body and rolling off of the bed and under it. My breath hitched as I heard heavy boots against floor, reaching closer towards the door. Then, the door handle jiggled slightly, almost like the intruder was struggling to open it.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and in a panic I used my pyrokenesis to scald their legs. It wasn't until I heard a familiar scream that I crawled out from under the bed.

And lo and behold, laid my drunk and injured boyfriend, cradling his leg tenderly.


I screamed, crouching by him and helping him up.

"What, *hic* no of course not" the older male stuttered, his tall frame swaying slightly over the suddenness of my actions.

"Ugh, whatever shithead- let's get you sorted" I sighed as I led him over to the bathroom, splashing cool water over his flushed face and bandaging his leg.

Once I'd finally managed to get the smell of alcohol off of him, I laid him on our bed, his messy black hair falling over his tired red eyes.

I immediately turned off the lights and got settled in, seeing him almost passed out on the bed.

"Cmon baby, let's get some sleep hm?" I whispered, chucking the blanket over the two of us as I leaned over and kissed his cheek softly.

"Night y/n- sorry for scaring you~"Benimaru mumbled, his voice riddled with sleep.

"Yeah you will be" I mumbled into his chest, I felt him tense up before we both ended up drifting off into a comfortable sleep.

Shinmon Benimaru Imagines. (Requests open 13/3/23) Where stories live. Discover now