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Prompt #9. "You have three seconds to say your last words. You can run but it won't matter."
~Female Reader~


I laughed a little as I saw the two teenage boys go flying across the courtyard. Today, Benimaru was training two rookies from Company 8 in preparation for an upcoming mission that they had going on.

I sat on the steps opposite overlooking them, laughing every time Benimaru beat their asses. His methods were very harsh, but it's for their own benefit, if they wanted to get stronger, then this is the way to do it.

After a while of back and forth fighting, they finally took a break- and that was only because they both passed out from exhaustion. Due to this, I went over to Benimaru who was standing over them still, staring at them intently.

"How are they doing?" I asked, placing a hand onto his shoulder.

He sighed; "their doing okay I guess, could be better though"

"I agree, but maybe it's time that you take a break too, I don't want you overheating on me"

He obeyed before trudging over to the step and sitting down, but as soon as I got close to him he suddenly pulled me into his lap. Benimaru then placed his arms around my waist before letting his head fall onto my shoulder. I leaned into him so my back was flush against his chest.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, until I noticed that Shinra and Arthur were up and standing, staring at us in disbelief. Looking down at him, I whispered to Benimaru;

"Babe, their up"

He slowly opened his eyes and look at the pair with a deadpan expression, before picking me up and placing me onto the space beside him. Just as he was about to walk towards them, I heard Shinra say;

"Capitain, is that your girlfriend? She's pretty-"

He was cut off by Benimaru's  frame hovering over him like a predator with prey. He then spoke;

"You have three seconds to say your last words, you can run but it won't matter"

As soon as he said that, Shinra sprinted as fast as he could, Benimaru close behind him.

I turned around, I heard Konro behind me, laughing as he witnessed the scene.

"He did it again?" He asked.


Shinmon Benimaru Imagines. (Requests open 13/3/23) Where stories live. Discover now