Silent Treatment

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A/N: Quite short and a lil spicy 👀

Gender Neutral Reader
"Stop being childish" I sighed, as I sat on the decking, staring at the stoic man in front of me.

Benimaru was giving me the silent treatment, and had been doing so for the whole day. Last night, we'd gotten into a disagreement like normal couples do, but instead of handling it like adults he decided to be a man child about it and ignore me.

I huffed, trying to get some response other than a blank stare, but to no avail. I looked at the man once again and walked over to him, a smirk adjourning my face. I knelt down beside him and whispered in his ear;

"Stop being a fucking baby, please, I miss you"

All I got was a side eye. That fucking bastard.

After more attempts at guilt tripping, I decided I needed to take this further.

Slowly, I got up from the floor and carefully placed myself in his lap, putting my legs around his waist loosely. I could see the determination in his face as he looked away, his red eyes darting around trying to find something to distract himself.

Without warning, I grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him like my life depended on it. It was at this moment I knew I'd won, his arms came around my waist and pulled me into him ever so slightly.

When we eventually pulled away, he whispered in my ear;

"I fucking hate you" he said as he lifted me up from his lap and carried me inside.

Safe to say we made up after that.

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