Companies meeting (Last Part)

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Tw: Description of blood.

It was then I snapped.

I sprung from my seat, my palms already smoking from my overwhelming anger. All eyes turned to me, ready to intervene, including my husband who was also staring at the man a few pews in-front of us.

I gave him a quick glance before fixing my gaze to Gustav, who was wearing a smug look on his face. God how I want to kill him. Noticing how affected I was, Benimaru quickly grabbed my hands, preventing me from moving them, and leaned in to whisper in my ear;

"Just remember, if you do what I think your going to, your only proving those bastards right"

My eyes widened at this statement, as the realisation of what was happening hit me. They wanted this to happen, they wanted an excuse to shut me away again. I took a shaky breath, and muttered;

"Fuck this"

I managed to remove my hands from Benimarus grip, and I started to slowly walk away, resisting every urge I had to pick a fight. When Konro finally realised what was happening, we all made our way out of the building. But while we did this, there was once again an uproar, people calling us weak and irresponsible, Gustav calling me a maniac and a demon.

I ignored all of this, until we were outside of the building. Once the door was closed, I let the anger and frustration out, punching the stone walls of the church until my knuckles were dripping with blood, the red substance trickling down my fingers and rhythmically falling from my fingertips, absorbing into the ground below.

I dropped to the floor, tears staining my face. I stayed there for a good amount of time when I felt Benimaru pick me up by my waist and pull me to their chest. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist and looped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder.

It was then that we started to walk away, and we never went back.

Shinmon Benimaru Imagines. (Requests open 13/3/23) Where stories live. Discover now