Fire and fistfights (Part 1)

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A/N: I'm basing this off of the dub lines for this one and this might be a bit long.
~Gender neutral reader~

I sighed as me and my husband Benimaru strolled through the streets of Asakusa. The streets overflowing with activity as we etched closer to the guardhouse. While we were walking, we heard a fragile voice call out;


We turned and was met with a little old woman, who was holding a bag of daifuku. I smiled at her, as she explained how she made a bag for us, and I took it and slung it lazily over my shoulder. It was often that this woman would offer us sweets, mostly because of the twins as Benimaru dislikes sweet things.

We eventually entered the guardhouse, daifuku in hand, and Benimaru announced;

" The old bat made daifuku, help yourselves"

Almost immediately after, Hinata and Hikage grabbed one each and began to comment on the old woman's recipes before Konro scolded them, blaming Benimaru for teaching them their behaviour.

I stifled a laugh into my Kimono sleeve, and shortly after Konro called me and Benimaru over.

"We got a message from the people over at Company Eight, they wanna search our jurisdiction, said something about looking for that Evangelist?"

I looked quizzically and him, before craning my head at my husband, who swiftly responded;

"Too much trouble, just ignore them"

We were suddenly interrupted when a sudden voice came from the doorway behind us, I jumped a little into Benimaru who quickly put his arm around my waist to reassure me.

"Beg your pardon but we're already here"

I turned and saw the Company Eight's  Captain Obi, along with the majority of the company.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I questioned, stepping out of Benimaru's arms.

He then followed up with; "You have some nerve barging in unannounced like this"

Obi then replied; " I heard that Captain Shinmon Benimaru hated formalities and red tape, so I thought I'd skip making an appointment"

I sighed, signalling my annoyance before making my way to sit on the step with the twins and Konro next to me.

"Fine then if your here, your here, whatever, but I don't give a damn about this investigation of yours. Regardless of the reason I can't have you disrupting things on my turf" Beniamru begrudgingly replied, making his way to sit next to me, placing his hand in mine.

"The Evangelist has been making infernal a through artificial means and there's a chance that the White Clad will target people of this area next" he said.

It was then that I decided to speak;

"This is all coming from the Tokyo Empire, correct? Well I'm not trusting Sol and I've never seen any one of these White Clads turn someone into an infernal" I stared at the company angrily, before getting up and turning to walk back to my room.

But before I could,  Shinra called out;

"You may not have seen it, but I have"

I slowly walked towards him, and stopped right by his face before saying; "Why would I believe you? You're nothing but a government lapdog, and a gullible puppy."

His face morphed into anger, which caused Benimaru to stand up from the step and come towards us, pulling me back into him, my gaze still fixed on the boy in-front of me.

He then began to spout on about how he could easily take on both me and Benimaru because he's a "tough guy". Once he was done with his rambling, I looked at my husband before saying;

"Fire and fistfights are the flowers  of Edo huh?"

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