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A/N: I'm alive 😃

Sorry there hasn't been anything it's currently 12:06am and this has been sitting in my drafts for ages so I thought I'd get it out the way lol (sorry for the shit ending and quality)

~Gender Neutral Reader~

As night fell over Asakusa, the h/c haired figure paced Company 7, concern etched into their features. It had been hours since they last saw Benimaru and was beginning to get worried. Usually this wouldn't be such a big deal as he would regularly go down the tavern to have a few drinks, but this wasn't the case, they just knew it.

Even more hours passed by, when suddenly, the sound of heavy boots rung across the deck, echoing through the guardhouse. Y/n, who was now seated, bolted upright to see the intruder. And lo and behold, there stood a soaking wet- and bruised- Benimaru.

His thick black hair stuck to his forehead as he made his way into the building, avoiding eye contact with his partner on the way through.

for as long as anyone can remember, y/n l/n has always been a calm and collected individual. With their outgoing nature and innocent appearance, they were loved by all. But in some cases, such as this, their emotions could easily get the better of them.

"Shinmon." They muttered sternly, their fists bawled at their sides.

The older male stopped in his tracks and shuddered, turning to face his innocent partner, who now adjourned a terrifying aura. Chills spread through this body as he now realised what this meant. He was done for.

" You get your arse here right now."

He immediately scampered over to them, head hanging low.

"What the actual fuck do you think you're doing? Ignoring me when you've been gone for hours?"

"Umm, hey? I was just Down the tavern-"

"Don't fucking lie to me Shinmon Benimaru."

"Ok fine, I was at the Holy Sol Temple, with this shady looking guy and we busted in to look at some hidden scriptures-"

"Ok ok hold on. You went WHERE- without telling me! " they screamed, tears welling in their eyes;

"I was fucking terrified Beni I thought you were dead"

Benimaru sighed as he walked over and took his lover in his arms, petting their head as he comforted them.

"Y'know they'd never get rid of me that easy love" he chuckled, trying to make light of the situation.

Y/N smiled into his chest, laughing softly before looking up at him and taking his face in their hands;

"Yeah I know babe, just to let you know, if you ever pull this shit again without inviting me or telling me- I will skin you alive"

He gulped;


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