The Crisis

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Tej closed the file in his hands, his brows furrowed in uncertainty.

"I don't know how this works," he confessed, his voice tinged with a mixture of confusion and apprehension.

Seated beside him, an elderly man dressed in crisp white shirt and black trousers leaned forward, his face lined with wisdom and experience.

"Son, this is your dad's decision," the man reassured Tej, his words carrying a weight of authority and understanding.

Taneja, a trusted associate of the family, pulled a chair closer and settled down beside Tej, who occupied the center chair in the expansive meeting room. Taneja's voice was filled with empathy as he began to speak.

"We understand, Tej," Taneja began, his tone gentle yet resolute. "We have been working alongside your dad for the past ten years. We know that you never intended to join the family business, but given the circumstances with both your parents injured, you have a responsibility that needs to be shouldered."

Tej's gaze shifted towards the whiteboard fixed to the wall, its pristine surface reflecting his tumultuous state of mind. In this moment, he felt a profound sense of emptiness. A single incident had upended his world, leaving him grappling with the weight of unforeseen changes and the daunting prospect of stepping into unfamiliar territory.

"I don't want to hamper their reputation, Uncle,'" he said and looked at Zavier, Zarna's dad, who happened to be the financial advisor and lawyer of the company.

"We are there with you," said Zavier.

"Tej, we will support you, but in the absence of your parents, you are supposed to take over," added Taneja. "They haven't appointed anyone else."

Tej took a deep breath. "I can't make this decision on my own. I need to talk to mom," he said.

"Okay, you have until tomorrow," said Zavier. "The legalities need to be completed by then."

"Legalities?" asked Tej.

"Tej," began Taneja. "The company is going through a financial crisis as of now."

Tej sunk lower in his chair and ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"Arvind sir and Swarna ma'am had forbidden this news to go out of the senior management of the company," said Taneja.

"Your father, Arvind, was handling everything well, but," said Zavier and removed his round spectacles. "The Patni group, due to some personal reasons, snatched a million-dollar deal from us."

"We had invested almost everything in that deal, Tej," said Taneja.

"So, what can I do?" asked Tej as a peon entered the meeting room with a cup of coffee in his hands.

Zavier offered the coffee to Tej as the peon left.

Tej gulped down the coffee and shut his eyes.

"Tej, you might not be knowing anything about this business, but you can learn, you have the potential," said Taneja.

"I'm here to help you and the company with legal issues, but you have to take over and handle this situation," said Zavier and kept his hand on Tej's shoulder.

Tej released a weary sigh, tilting his head back and closing his eyes in an attempt to find respite. The weight of the world seemed to settle upon his shoulders, causing tension to coil in his neck and his muscles to ache with strain. The physical discomfort mirrored the burdens that weighed heavily on his mind and heart, a reminder of the challenges he faced and the sacrifices he had to endure.

"Now that you know the situation," said Zavier. "Think about it. Talk to Swarna and tell us tomorrow."


"How did it happen?" Ray almost screamed.

Advika took a seat beside Swarna, her dear aunty, who lay motionless on the sterile hospital bed. A single tear escaped from Advika's eye, tracing a path down her cheek, a silent testament to the anguish she felt.

Zarna gently closed the door to the spacious hospital room, effectively shutting out the outside world as the nurse and doctor departed to prepare the ICU for Swarna's critical condition.

"It's unfathomable," Maya spoke softly, her voice filled with a mix of confusion and sorrow. "She was on the road to recovery, but then... in an instant, everything changed. None of us could comprehend it, not even the doctors."

Sitting at the foot of the bed, Zarna directed her gaze towards her beloved aunt, her heart heavy with concern. "How is Arvind uncle holding up?" she inquired, her voice laced with worry.

Ray sighed, his expression mirroring the somber atmosphere that enveloped the room. "Not well either," he replied, the weight of his words resonating with the shared apprehension felt by all in the face of this unexpected adversity.

Advika wiped her tears. "We talked to Dr Dixit after Tej left for the office," she said. "Arvind uncle is serious."

"But she-" said Maya.

"Yes, she had said that to comfort Tej," clarified Ray.

"About the office," said Zarna. "Dad said that the company is going through some serious shit."

Ray, Maya, and Advika looked at her.

"Okay, he didn't say the word shit, but the company is going through some major financial crisis," said Zarna.

"Tej doesn't know a thing about the word business," said Advika.

"This is tough," said Ray.

"So are we," added Maya. "We'll be his strength. He's not alone."


Hey Readers, hope y'all doing well.

Thank you for sticking to the story. We have a long way to go so stay tuned until the end!

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