Daksh's Attack

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Advika concealed her face with her scarf, emerging cautiously from her hiding spot. "What do you want from us?" she demanded, bravely positioning herself in front of the assailant.

His gaze fixed on her, the attacker advanced steadily. "You, all of you," he replied, his voice filled with purpose.

Advika closed her eyes momentarily, summoning her inner strength. With a deep breath, she planted her foot firmly on the ground. The earth trembled beneath them, causing the assailant to drop to his knees.

"Advika, the wielder of Earth's power," he acknowledged, brushing off his black pants as he regained his composure.

How does he know my name? Advika wondered, her mind racing. Scanning the surrounding forest, she sought a potential escape route.

"You cannot flee," the attacker declared, his voice filled with a chilling certainty.

"Daksh," a voice called out, causing him to whip his head around, desperately searching for its source.

"Abandon them, and sever your ties with Azazel, or else you shall face punishment as well," Grantha's voice echoed in his ears.

Daksh smirked, his disbelief evident. "So now the book is talking too," he taunted, sheathing his sword. "You took away my mother!" He moved menacingly toward Advika, his blade poised for an attack.

"Advika, run!" urged the book, its voice filled with urgency. Without hesitation, she scooped up a handful of dirt from the ground and flung it into Daksh's eyes.

Daksh instinctively rubbed his stinging eyes with his sleeves, temporarily blinded. He chased after Advika, determined to catch up with her.

As Advika dashed towards the opening of the forest, Daksh pursued her relentlessly. With a forceful shove, he sent her crashing to the ground.

"Aah!" she cried out in pain, tears streaming down her face. The impact had wounded her, and blood trickled from her injured knee.

Seizing the opportunity, Daksh swiftly bounds her hands together. He hoisted her up, forcefully dragging her along with him, her struggles futile against his grip.                                                                                     ~~~~

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