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Indra and Rishi descended onto what appeared to be a bed of blossoming flowers. The air was filled with a delicate fragrance, while the surrounding area was adorned with trees. The gentle sounds of flowing water, birdsong, and a familiar melody reached their ears.

"Follow me," Indra instructed, his determination evident, as he strode towards a grand structure that loomed ahead.

"This is..." Rishi began, trailing off as he trailed behind Indra. "Why would they be in the temple? Is it safe for us to go there? The temple is close to our home, the very same place destroyed by Azazel. He will surely sense our presence if we venture there."

Indra continued his steady advance towards the temple, myriad thoughts swirling through his mind.

Rishi quickened his pace to keep up with his mentor. He took a deep breath, finding solace in the tranquility that encompassed him. "Stay calm, Rishi," he whispered to himself, finding reassurance in his own words. With a composed demeanor, he followed diligently in Indra's footsteps.


"What in the world?" exclaimed Ray, his face buried in his hands. Seated in a circular formation, a stack of assorted books lay at the center. Maya pressed her temples and closed her eyes, seeking solace.

"We've managed to summon books from throughout history, except for the one we truly need," Zarna stated, folding her legs beneath her. "Last time, it happened almost effortlessly, with surprising ease."

Rutuja, her arms crossed, interjected, "We can't afford to rely on trial and error, you know."

Advika glanced at Rutuja, understanding the urgency in her words, and nodded in agreement.

"Alright, everyone," Advika spoke up. "Let's give it one final attempt."

Rutuja gazed into the void as the five individuals joined hands, their collective energy focused on summoning the elusive book. Images of herself, Daksh, Rishi, and Indra flashed through her mind. Closing her eyes, she visualized the faces of Rishi and Indra, their presence vivid in her thoughts.

The images stirred to life, unfolding before Rutuja's mind's eye. She saw herself and her companions standing resolute in front of the temple, the very place they had fled from in search of safety. It was the sanctuary that held untold secrets, a repository of enigmatic knowledge waiting to be unveiled.




The sharp, ear-piercing voices broke her connection and brought her back to reality.


She blinked repeatedly, struggling to comprehend the situation unfolding before her. The command to move finally registered with her legs, and she hastened towards the scene. One by one, her companions were being inexorably drawn into the sinister depths of the black book. An invisible force held them captive, rendering them immobile. Rutuja could hear the frantic thumping of her own heart as she reached out and grabbed Advika, pulling her back from the devouring vortex.

Both collapsed to the ground, their chests heaving with exertion, gasping for breath. Rutuja observed Advika's furrowed brow as she clenched her eyes shut, her hand pressed against her chest. Motionless, Advika lay sprawled on the ground, enveloped in an eerie stillness. The air grew thick with an oppressive silence, swallowing the sounds of their surroundings.

Above all the other books, the black book lay ominously. Rutuja's pulse throbbed in her temples as she fixated her gaze upon it. A surge of trepidation coursed through her as she contemplated the fate of the four she could not save. The thought of their souls being drawn into the malevolent clutches of the black book filled her with dread and sorrow.

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