Advika and Maya

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Maya extended a steaming cup of coffee towards Advika, grabbed a small stool, and positioned herself nearby. Advika accepted the cup with a whispered "Thanks," and leaned against the balcony bar, gripping the cup tightly.

The atmosphere between Advika and Maya was tense. Advika considered Maya to be her least favourite person in their group, and it seemed that Maya shared the sentiment.

Maya cleared her throat, breaking the uneasy silence. "Ahem, hmm," she began. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Advika stole a quick glance at Maya before directing her gaze towards Zarna, who was peacefully asleep.

"Yes," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I know it may not be the right thing to do, but we can't allow those three to claim victory."

A hint of surprise flickered across Maya's face as she shifted, crossing her legs. "Never did I imagine I'd find myself agreeing with you," she admitted.

"So, what do we do?" asked Advika and sipped the coffee.

"I think we'll go to the library and that hut whenever we can," said Maya and got to her feet rubbing her palms. She leaned on the bar putting her weight on it.

"Okay," said Advika. "We'll decide a time and. . ."

Maya shot her a questioning look.

"I was thinking. . . we should probably go to the temple too," she added.

"Now who's breaking rules," said Maya. "Anyway, I agree. We will."


The dungeon exuded a somber ambiance, though it seemed marginally less gloomy than the dismal weather outside. The majority of the chamber was illuminated by the flickering glow of a substantial fire situated at its far end.

Daksh humbly bowed before Azazel, who sat upon his throne with closed eyes, emanating an aura of authority.

"Where have you been?" Azazel inquired in a hushed tone, barely above a whisper.

"Dad took us to a certain place, and I... I couldn't..." Daksh stammered, struggling to find the right words.

"How far have the five progressed?" Azazel queried, his eyes opening to reveal their piercing intensity.

"They have started grasping concepts and harnessing their powers," Daksh replied, his hands concealed behind his back as he kept his gaze fixed on Azazel's feet.

"Accelerate their progress," Azazel commanded, rising from his throne. Daksh could feel his heart pounding and a faint throbbing sensation in his mind. Azazel took measured strides, his long, ebony robe sweeping the floor as he closed the distance between himself and Daksh.

Azazel circled around Daksh, his voice resonating with determination. "I desire nothing less than their complete mastery of their skills," he declared, causing Daksh's throat to tighten with unease. Daksh nodded silently in response. "Yes, Master," he replied, his voice barely a whisper.

At that moment, a young man adorned with a crown and dazzling jewels cautiously peeked through the dungeon door. His piercing blue eyes locked onto Daksh's figure. Retrieving a black mask from his pocket, he swiftly concealed his face behind it.

"Assist them in attaining their objectives," Azazel's voice echoed with purpose. "But exercise caution. The sacred book must remain oblivious to our intentions."

From his concealed pocket, the masked man extracted a small, weathered white stone. He gracefully descended to his knees, carefully setting the stone on the ground. It rolled smoothly towards Daksh, eventually coming to rest at his feet. With a snap of his fingers, the stone affixed itself to Daksh's jeans.

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